

Ask @FatenF

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So bahrain is conservative so wearing shorts would bring unwanted attention? just curious, I might move here for uni

Depends on where you're going.. I recommend that you don't wear shorts to malls but to certain events & festivals, hotels, clubs, & beaches, it's fine.
Liked by: yas

Are you allowed to wear shorts?

Not booty shorts bs yeah.. But I don't like to wear them in public all the time.
Liked by: Sara

guess what? you 'tick people off' when you act like a 'smart ass' and correct them, which you do wajid hee magalt shai

That's too bad for them lol

that was really disrespectful of you, all i did was correct it, and you do that pretty much the whole time to other people. you could've just said i don't like my thank you to be with spaces, the end, and no one is affected.

No, it really irritates me when people act as if they're better than me & when they act they like smart asses. Those two words you sent 'correcting me' really managed to tick me off.

thank you** xx

I don't like typing my 'thankyou' with a space so don't you dare go all 'grammar nazi' on me, you foul scum.
Liked by: 7modi

It's funny how when ppl say things about your mom you get annoyed and mad easily but when you fight you usually do the same thing to the one you are fighting with?o.o

I rarely mention others' moms unless I'm really fucking mad, and when I'm really fucking mad, I cannot control what comes out of my mouth. Omi aham shay fe 7ayaty w omi 5a6 a7mar, golaw ele tabon 3any and it won't effect me one bit l2na it'll reflect 3la tarbeyatkom, mb 3alay bs mb tro7oun tsboun omi w madre shnu w entaw wla t3arfoon elmaraa2.. 7emdellah 3la n3mat el 3agl.

Hey faten I was wondering do you use your bioderma before or after you wash your face?

I use bioderma to take off my makeup so sometimes it's before I wash my face but when I don't wear makeup, I use it after I wash my face.

Were you insecure when you had braces? If yes, how did u get over it? I'm getting them in summer and I'm sure I'll look horrifying:(

No I was not lol.. They're only braces. Every other teenager has/had them. No big deal.
Liked by: S3ud bin FahaD NFC

Hey, my friends y3ni they're okay with me, we talk and walk together, oo b3dain I found out ena they're going somewhere without me, they didn't invite me. I felt so hurt :( should I ask them why they didn't invite me aw should I just keep quiet?x

I honestly think you're over reacting and kind of being a drama queen over something so stupid & small.. They might just forgot to invite you, or thought you wouldn't wanna come, or whatever explanation they might have. If they keep doing it repetitively, then you can go ask them & well, look for new friends.
Liked by: Zainaab


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