

Ask @FatenF

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You bought foundashions and all when you were 12 or just borrowed the? :/

Foundation* and I clearly said I started wearing foundation recently.. around a month or two ago. I'm 13 now and it's my OWN.

Faten 7bebty don't care about them. 7ameer w g7ab, what to do. Haters r just jealous ur beautiful. Seriously, a7san shay innich 9aya7tay wa7da minhum. I have an eating disorder, and it isn't funny to make fun . Its serious and can cause death.

Bl'9b66! 9aya7t two of them ahaha x Walla I had it when someone jokes about an eating disorder or use it as an insult, it's so sick walla if I find out who's writing all of this, walla al3an shakl'ha jdam ahil'ha ele ma3rfaw eraboon'ha:s sh'haal awadam:& exactly, stay strong lovee!!x
Liked by: ♡ Fay ♡

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From what age did u start putting makeup on?

12 maybe? Bs I started like actually putting foundation and face makeup recently cause of you know, teenage hormones.
Liked by: ♡ Fay ♡

ur hangout yesterday was w/ boys right? :D a7s fuun haha xxoox

well I just went and met up with some of my guyfriend w bas

wat did u wear ysterdy?

I wore dark blue jeans, a sparkly heather grey sweater, a black collared shirt under it and I let the collar peek out of the sweater w 3l collar fe a stud on each, and my black toms.

i wake up early in the morning and it feels so good smoking in some shit that you wish you could this weed is mine get your own bag nothing for the hommies this is all for me this weeds mine you cant have it

Liked by: Atractivo


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