

Ask @FatenF

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You said you were insecure

Yeah, about a thing or two but what teenager isn't? I like to think of myself as a pretty confident person and it portrays in the way I talk, walk and act. But if a person was insecure about everything and had pretty low self esteem, that would portray in the way they walk and talk and act as well but el7emdillah, I'm satisfied with how I look like and not depressed because of it or anything:D

Mn edarsonch fe high school ? ( this year ) :D

umm jane, m7md x2, saba, edmund, fawzia, ra2da, farra, neda w idk ba3ad mn mat'thakar

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How much do you weigh? and whats your height?

45 kgs, idk I'm not exactly sure of my height I haven't checked in a while but it's prob around 159 - 160. x

Tattoos are halal in shia sect. Marja' (cleric leader like Sistani) have confirmed that tattoos are halal. Actually, even some religious people, are starting to get tattoos.

Exactly lol I've known about this for a while but I didn't want to say anything 'cause it's gonna cause quite bit of a controversy on my page and I wasn't really bothered for anons that think they know everything.. Thanks for clearing it up though
Liked by: Malaak yas

your body is amazing i'm so jealous .. i'm a girl btw #nohomo

Haha thankyou love but there's nothing to be jealous about!xx

50 shades is disgusting tho.... mentally damaging

Not really. It wasn't at all, tbh. I expected much more from all the hype I was hearing but it was barely even graphic... But at the same time, I wasn't a huge fan of the book. It was written really badly, like it was written by a horny 15 y/o boy and ugh, I just didn't like it. Although, I do wanna read the 2nd book because I wanna see how the storyline continues throughout the other couple books ya feel?


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