

Ask @FatenF

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Oh so you don't find this creepy? Hahah good, last time I told a girl how I felt she was like " eww go away perv" /: I prefer not to say my name tho, but atleast I told you (anonymously). Last thing i want you to know is how incredibly beautiful you really are inside and out.

No ahaha I'm not that mean.. haha alright then suit yourself.. thank you so much!x
Liked by: Zainab Nada.

What's is ur face shape , skin type and how do u bronze ? X

I have an oval face with normal to combination skin.. and I bronze with a bronzer?... lol
Liked by: Zainab Nada.

I have horrible eye brows , what can I do to re shape them and what products , I'm thinking of gowing to thread them out but will it hurt ?

Well obviously it's going to hurt the first couple of times, you're plucking hair from the root... But after a couple sessions, you get used to it. Well at least I did..

Faten thank god this is anonymous so I could finally tell you how I really feel. I've known you for like 3 years now (you probably don't even know I exist) I had a HUGE crush on you (still do) I understand if you find this creepy but just wanted you to know how amazing and kindhearted person you are

Aw that's so cute ahah who is this^-^

Where can i find cream eyeliner? And what is the lipstick you used for the last photo you posted on insta?

Which picture?
Liked by: Nada.

Do you think six packs on girls are attractive? IMO, I find a toned ab/flat belly sexy but a six pack ab on a girl is just not my thing.. Like if I wanted abs, I would turn gay.. xD! (not saying that I actually would. #NoHomo, #NoHomophobia either)

Not six packs, ew. But a flat stomach with some definition is definitely attractive x
Liked by: Nada.

Saud is an ass! I'm extremely sorry.. He may be all Mr. Nice guy around you, but he is a big time bully. If you don't believe me go ask all the students he's mentally/physically bullied in the past.. (eg. Hassan Qasim).. He is hated by a large group of students in Grade 8, 9, 10 &11 !

lol leave
Liked by: Nada.

How in the hell u wear a lipstick in the school that person must be drunk

Enzain tra 3ady ela lipstick, I personally just don't wear lipstick to school lol..
Liked by: Nada.

I have like a fair pale skin and I want a tan skin kissed bronzed look.. Which won't match my hands though should I get a darker shade foundationn or what ?

Why would you want a bronzed look that doesn't match your hands?...

My boyfriends birthday is coming up, any ideas on what I should get him? x

Well if it was my boyfriend's bday and we've been together for a while, I'd get him shoes(Lacoste and brands like dat) or sports shoes if he's into football or whateve, or a wallet and cufflinks if he wears shirts/thoob. If you just recently started dating, get him a shirt from Lacoste or Armani Exchange lawl

Is it true saud and u not friends anymore if is thank jesus

nah we're still friends sorry to disappoint xo


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