

Ask @FatenF

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I will ask a girl to be my gf :P ANY advices ??

Well first, make sure she actually likes you. See etha she gives you some hints or flirting, don't just randomly ask her if she just treats you as a friend. Then, be a little flirty, be funny and inviting. I don't recommend doing it over bbm but if that's your only option, then good luck.

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What's your advice to bulimics/anorexics?

Well, I know its hard. It's not something you quit easily. But you just need to be positive about it, and realize what you're doing is completely wrong. If you find it hard, go to a doctor, talk to someone and you'll feel much better.

Would rather be locked in cage with: A) Your Best Friend B) Your Ideal Romantic figure C) Favorite Celebrity D) A Cute Little Polar Bear E) A Wise Philosopher F) A Comedian?

Favorite celebrity maan.

werent you just in a fight with mayn? now ur bff? S:

Mayyan* and we weren't really in a fight, we made up because it was a stupid misunderstanding.

Thank you for defending kanoo.I guess zain should do too mo tag3d etdaf3 3an mayyan w madray sheno. Love u

Np haha, love you too x

I'm not a kanoo student but i like your personality and i wish we'll be friends ;p

Then facebook me! I love making friendss :D
Liked by: Noura.

Shloon it6wleen sh3rish?

Men Allah I guess. I was blessed with fast growing hair. Bs if you're not like me, you just have to have A LOT of patience and eat healthy. What you eat has a big contribution in hair growth. Like eat yogurt, put olive oil in your food and just simply eat healthy and get it trimmed regularly. It may seem shorter but it will help your hair grow A LOT! Dead hair = no long hair. Also, don't use a lot of heat on it such as straighteners and curlers and blow dryers. Brush it very frequently so that there aren't any tangles and use proper shampoo that suits your hair type.
Liked by: M a l a k ..

Your skin looks so clear in the pictures mal summer since school!! How did you get your face to clear up?

It's easy really. Tawa a7een 6ela3lii double the amount I had in school. :) bs you just have to be patient, they'll go away eventually. Don't eat a lot of fried food chocolate. Wash your face twice a day with an acne face wash(I use Nuetrogina's Oil-Free Acne Wash and its amazing!), don't use oil based moisturizers or makeup, use pimple creams(I use The Body Shop's tea tree oil which isn't really a cream), make sure you have tea tree or witch hazel in your creams, they're really good for acne! Keep your hair out of your face and change your pillow case often, get occasional face masks(they don't have to be expensive or product. You can just make your own if you google/youtube some) and just simply DON'T TOUCH THEM! And hopefully they'll go away.
Liked by: 9mt ☆Do7

ممكن اتكتبين الكلام الي كتبتي بالعربي .. لاني ماعرف انج

Too bad I won't.

ليش كلة اتسبين لين تكتبين في تويتر..فاك او بيتش.. انتي بنية او توج صغيرة.. حلات البنية اب اخلاقهه مب اب جمالهه

Actually I rarely do. ;* oo etha fe saab, its from retweets. Ee, adri eni bnaya, I didn't forget. ;* Inzain ya3ni int ga3d itgool ma3ndi a5laa8?! Wayhik! 3ndi a5la8 w '3a9ban 3alaik. :) mabaf6r 3alaik.
Liked by: @FrenchhFriess

I saw the misunderstanding you had with this girl mayyan or whatever her name is and i can honestly say that 9ij kebartay fe 3ainey, wish you the best of luck. coming from a fellow high school kanoo-er ;)

Thank you. <3 I really do appreciate it.

if u didnt mean it in the wrong way show it :L

how do i freaking show it? i told u that like 5 times.


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