
Jeremy Dooley

Ask @AH_Jeremy

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Jeremy, i've been an AH and RT fan since about 2013, and i just wanted to say you're my favourite achievement hunter now! i love all the guys, but you are endlessly hilarious to me. that said, do you enjoy any other let's players, like game grumps?

Game Grumps is one of those groups that I've enjoyed every time I see them, but I don't watch them a lot. There's just too many groups that are really good at what they do, to keep up with. Early on I started watching SeaNanners, Mr Sark, ChilledChaos, GassyMexican, and EatMyDiction, and I still watch them almost every day. Have had the pleasure of meeting every one of them except for Sark.

Hey, Jeremy. I was the one that posted the thing about the most stressful thing about your job. I was wondering if you wanted me to remove it? I didn't mean for you to be uncomfortable or anything like that. I'm sorry if I did

Absolutely not. I just answered the question honestly, and I guess people didn't realize that was actually a stressful part of the job. Nothing for you to feel bad about. Thanks for you concern though <3

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Some people on Tumblr saw that ask about the most stressful thing and I want you to know that your great and that Tumblr loves you and that the Jeremy Dooley tag is filled with sweet things. If you could check it out it would be great thanks bye <3

Haha, I've seen. I actually check out Tumblr a lot, because that's where I see the best fan art and other original content. I think the whole thing got blown a little out of proportion. Makes it sound like I spend my days sad and wishing for something better. I'm don't. I have a great time at my job, I love the community, and I miss Ray. Nothing about that isn't true. What I pointed out was simply the most stressful part of an otherwise incredible job.

In my opinion ah videos have become a ton better since you joined the main room. You give off really good energy and it's easy to see how much you enjoy and want to be there. :) Secondly, when did they tell you they wanted you to be in the main six? And at first were you resistant to the idea at all

Geoff pulled me aside shortly after I won the blocking list thing. I was never resistant. I actually pulled Geoff aside a month or so before that and said something along the lines of "If you guy ever feel like you miss having six people in there, I'm more than willing to help you out."

will AH be doing more 'original' gta v lets plays rather than playing game modes? I watch them all but I really enjoy seeing the original stuff. <3

Possible. We've been loving the new "Rockstar" gametypes, but I'm sure there's more free roam stuff in the future. Most of our original GTA stuff is delivered in the Things to Dos.

What let's plays or videos from before you started at AH do you wish you could have been a part of? (If there are any)

New Super Mario Bros U. Cops n Crooks. Or some of the early Minecraft LPs, like Find the Tower.
Liked by: Ted Beale

What's the most stressful thing about your job?

That my job used to be someone else's job. I love to look at Achievement Hunter fan art, and read the comments on videos. It's just a downer when someone posts an awesome new piece of art, and it has Geoff, Jack, Ryan, Michael, Gavin, and Ray. Or when they say something along the lines of "It's not the same without Ray." It's like I haven't been good enough for them, yet. So yeah, the hardest part of my job is trying to instantly fill a space that had 3 years to form.

Are you going to be a part of the next galacticraft & the dinosaur minecraft? If so alot of us fans are dying for more of those episodes.

If we make them, then yes. Geoff usually refuses to record Minecraft without all six of us in the room, unless we're desperate for a new episode.

LilJ, would u and the rest of AH consider doing a Let's Watch on the evil within? It'd be great content since it's really really horrifying.

That's one of those games we probably wont do because people would constantly want more parts. We like games that could be a one-off if it needs to be

What big moments in ah were overplayed

Not that I can think of. Stuff is called a "big moment" when it surprises us or is extremely fun, and there's no good way to overplay something like that without being obvious.


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