
Jeremy Dooley

Ask @AH_Jeremy

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is there a specific reason why you guys started doing the "if you liked this video.." like were there any statistics about views or was it just because?

It's something that should have been done from the start. Basically, if someone watches a video and likes it, it leaves them with excited energy that needs to go somewhere, and those endslates help direct them to more content. It obviously doesn't work for everyone, but it works a lot.

What is the best way to inspire your friends to try to work on a project of yours? Personally, mine want to but it doesn't seem like they're as motivated to work any time soon

You just gotta go for it. Maybe grab a pizza and try to get the as excited for the project as you are. Also if their helping, make sure there is just as much in it for them as for you.


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