
Jeremy Dooley

Ask @AH_Jeremy

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I believe you can make it happen but just in case, do you have a contingency if Gavin refuses to take part of the AH rap?

Nope. My contingency is to axe the whole project and let the world blame Gavin
Liked by: Caitlyn Mitchell

Hoping to head to Boston this summer - what are your must dos and must haves?

If you like aquariums, Boston has an awesome. A must do is Faneuil Hall. Plenty of food and sights to see. A must have is their seafood. Get some great fish and shellfish.
Liked by: Caitlyn Mitchell

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Hey Jeremy! Was there ever a point of time when you decided to really work on getting hired at RT/AH, or was it a fortuitous circumstance kind of thing?

Kelly Reynolds
A combination. I made videos on my own while also making videos for the community. They were two separate videos and styles, and combined help me get my job here.
Liked by: Caitlyn Mitchell

What's the odds of a gta heist with fun house/another let's play group acting as the cops/rival gang trying to stop you?

We've talked about it before, but we'll see. There's so much that would have to happen
Liked by: Caitlyn Mitchell

Do you find negative comments effect you more than positive ones? Like in general life people tend to take on criticism a lot easier than compliments. Doesn't mean you deserve the criticism, you're awesome and people are assholes

Criticism I take very well, because I know I can use it to make myself better. What gets to me is negative comments that people write just to be an asshole, or say things like "I fucking hate when this person is in a video, they're not funny at all, and they make everything they're in worse" followed up with "don't know why people are mad at me. That's just my opinion." No you're opinion is "i prefer videos that dont have this person in it" that's fair enough, but you're swearing and insulting just to be an asshole. Those are horrible to see about any employee, not just me

When will the mad prince finally challenge the dark God for the title of the psycho of the group.... would be an interesting viewing in any game, maybe even a battle for the crown in minecraft/gta

I don't think I could ever out-"mad" Ryan. There's a difference between the murder psycho that Ryan is and the murder psycho that I am. I just kill, Ryan plans it out, gets to know their hobbies and family, and then slowly kills them.

Saw the ask about talking politics in clouds X and while yes I do agree with most of the things you've said do you guys ever think about that people come to your videos to get away from that stuff? You have a lot of LGBT people in your audience who don't wanna hear about their lives being fucked

Here's the thing. There's a subject that every single person who watches our videos doesn't want us to talk about. If we decide to avoid certain conversations because some people wont like it, why not avoid another conversation because a different group wont like it, or another conversation because this other group wont like it? The second we start doing that, is the same time we start making much worse content.

What's the weirdest dream you've ever had

When I was little, I had a dream that the front door to my house was covered in eyes. I was terrified of it, and then my uncle showed up and showed me that they were just painted on, which in the dream made it better, but looking back, didn't make it better at all.
Liked by: Caitlyn Mitchell


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