
Jeremy Dooley

Ask @AH_Jeremy

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In an earlier ask you said your brought up the trade off between dogs and a kid. Overall, do you like kids/babies? And if so, what's in your mind the best age to hang out with them?

I've taught kids of all ages, so I think any kid is a great kid. Little kids have so much potential and they always have this look of wonder and discovery that I find so awesome.

This may be a little deep, but was there ever a point in time where you felt like you didn't know who you were or lost yourself, maybe even changed but know how or why. If so, how did you overcome that? Thank ya

Well you gave a deep question so I'll give a deep answer. I've never really had moments where I didn't know myself, but there was a long period of time in my life where I really really disliked myself. Like nothing I did was good enough. I just focused on small achievements one at a time and that made me feel better

Tips for someone thinking about getting in to streaming (other than just do it)? Also, any good resources for the tech side of things?

Keep at it and don't get discouraged. You'll eventually build an audience. On the tech side, invest in a good mic and capture device
Liked by: Caitlyn Mitchell

How many active editors are under the AH/Let's play umbrella at this point? You guys put out so much content, and the editing this last year or so has been some of the best, I just want to shower kudos on all the behind the scenes folks you guys have on board. Thanks a bunch to all of you!

7 editors I believe.

In one of the last episodes of Off Topic you seid you are going to Germany. Where do you go and is there auch chance to meet you or is it a vacation Trip?

I don't remember off the top of my head. I'll be going to Vienna, Prague, Budapest, and a few other places. I don't know if I'll have any time for a meet up, since I'll be moving constantly and with Kat, my parents, my sister, and her boyfriend.

Has anyone ever mentioned to you that they've thought of getting a 1551 lyric tattoo? if not, what are your thoughts on the matter?

DemonSpock’s Profile PhotoBecky Taylor
People can get whatever they want tattooed on them. I think it's very flattering, but I want it to be something they really really know they want
Liked by: Caitlyn Mitchell


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