
Jeremy Dooley

Ask @AH_Jeremy

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When you axe kick something and it doesn't break, does it hurt you hip or you leg at all?

I just feel it in my ankle. I actually just injured my foot recently, so doing that to anything right now sounds like the worst thing ever...
Liked by: Justin Robertson

Your signature sound, that you also use for twitch subscribers.. how would you spell that? because the animation that comes up with the notifications on twitch says 'hup'

It's spelled HAP, but I'm cool with the animation saying "hup" because the art is very cute

Have you ever tried any Class A drugs?

Other than alcohol, I have never done any recreational drugs. Just wasn't the crowd I fell in with. I'm glad I haven't. While not every one is bad for you, all recreational drugs are unnecessary (alcohol included). So, I'm cool with being away from that scene, as well as saving the money.

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I remember you saying that you personally were thinking about moving more towards PC Gaming, how has that been? Or have you not done it yet?

Chris P
It's been good. Picked up Prey on the PC, but other than that, no games have really come out that I'm excited to play. Certain games, like Destiny 2, I'll still play on console, since I'll mostly be doing it in the AH office

Hey, Jeremy. Not trying to be impatient, but are you guys going to release any more Sexy "Bruta-lay" vids?

Not sure. It started doing very poorly. We'll see.
Liked by: Justin Robertson

Is there any channel/youtuber you really want to collaborate with?

Rhett & Link. Epic Rap Battles of History. Mr Sark.

What is your all time favorite food combo that others might find odd?

Don't do a lot of weird combos, really. Maybe the weirdest is pretty much whenever Kat and I get pizza, we cook up some eggs and put them on top, so the yolk runs over it when you bite in. Super tasty.

Are there going to be more songs by 1551?

Yes. We're working on a song called "Bring It On," but I keep not making the time to finish it. I get distracted with writing, streaming, and editing so much, that I find it hard to sit down and record the vocals.

what do you think about the fan's reaction to ah's ubisoft deal? what do you think of the ubisoft deal?

A lot of fans will complain about anything sponsor-related, unfortunately. They just hate the idea. It really sucks, too, because we've had sponsors in the past that we weren't excited about... and this definitely isn't one of them. We get access to a bunch of Ubisoft games early, as well as the opportunity to do really cool things that we never could before. Also, that sponsor content people are up-in-arms about... isn't even on our channel. It's bonus content on Ubisoft's channel. We get them for views, they get us more views, the audience gets more content, and the audience gets more exclusive early-access content. It's a total win-win. I hope everyone sees it that way soon. We've already recorded a game early because of this that we agree is one of the best things we've played in AH ever.

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Does Mica not work for AH anymore? Like I know she still works for RT, but is she just a host at The Know now?

I believe she's just in the Know, but in all honesty, I'm not 100% sure. All I know is she works in the other building, so I haven't seen her except in passing.
Liked by: pyro zero Ebbreon

Why don't you ever talk about your ask.fm fans in any of your videos

I don't like to discuss any aspect of my personal accounts (youtube, twitch, ask, instragram) in RT content. I don't think it's fair to Rooster Teeth to mention anything I'm doing on the side while making something for them.

Do you guys plan for guest appearances on Off Topic? For instance, Dante Basco seemingly walking on to set, planned or surprise?

We're always cool with guests, but Michael gets the final say if he thinks they'll blend well
Liked by: pyro zero

Is there a lot of crime in Austin or do you come across sketchy areas or situations often... thinking about moving there

I think we're pretty good crime-wise. There's definitely areas to stay away from. I was always told "east Austin" is bad.

are you a procrastinator? cause i am and it sucks sometimes cause i know i have to get stuff done but i just dont

I try not to be

how many questions do you choose not to answer?

Quite a few. Usually it's because I've answered it a bunch of times before. I also skip dumb questions like "If you had a bucket of cement and had to dump it on one of the AH guys and then stick them to a tractor and then walk away... which would it be?!"


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