
Jeremy Dooley

Ask @AH_Jeremy

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So I'm looking for a new tv series to watch anime or regular live tv. I started watching Grey's anatomy, but haven't really gotten into it. Got any ideas?

I don't watch TV, so I'm not the best person to answer this question. Only show I now watch every week when it comes out is The Grand Tour

How have you managed to get your life together so well (good job, married, own a house) when you're only 25? Any advice for a young college student aspiring to do the same?

Get a job young, like in high school, and save your money. If you hate your job, leave and find a new one. I didn't have a job for about three months one time in high school and my friends held an intervention for me. Lol. Remember, just because you have money doesn't mean you should spend it. Set aside a certain amount to spend from every paycheck and don't go over. I also have never smoked or done any drugs, so I saved money there. It's unfortunate to say, but having money determines a lot of what you can do at what age, so it really all boils down to being smart with it. I also just got super lucky with finding Kat so young.

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So I've heard that the xbox S has been over heating a bunch of times when people play it. Have you had issues with the Xbox S if you have one...? Cause I'm thinking about getting one, but just wanna make sure its the right choice. You know what mean?

I have two (one for me and one for Kat) and haven't had any issues. I also leave mine running 24/7 (which I know is bad) and it still hasn't overheated.

I'd never been under the impression that you gamed with your coworkers in your downtime (I wouldn't want to bring work home either), but something Ryan or Jack (or you? I don't remember) said about a month ago made me wonder. Have you ever gamed with them outside of the office?

No. I've played a game or two of Mario Party with Michael, and then did the raid with Michael Gavin Matt and Trevor one time outside of work. But that's all I've done. I like to game alone in my free time

Next time you dye your hair (assuming there is a next time) can you guys please make a video out of it? RT Life, Behind the Scenes, anything, just some type of video?

Maybe. Depends on where I get it done
Liked by: Caitlyn Mitchell

Who, out of all the Achievement Hunters, would you be most willing to do music with? (I'm assuming none are actually musical enough for you to want to do it with them)

Out of the Achievement Hunters, probably Michael. He likes to do music stuff. If it was RT, I'd go with Josh O. That guy is unreal on a guitar.

There was a moment in the 'Ryan is the one in the hole' let's play in Minecraft in which you stumble upon something and say "Matt, I know what this is!" and you act kinda scared and Matt is acting sorta devious. If that even makes sense, can you tell us when we'll see whatever that was?

Nope, sure can't
Liked by: Caitlyn Mitchell

What's the worst color the community could've picked for your hair?

Silver or white. Basically exactly what they picked. It's extremely hard to go from a colored hair to something with no pigment. I have learned this recently. I also really don't want to do yellow or black


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