
Jeremy Dooley

Ask @AH_Jeremy

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Was it hard to move away from your family to work at RT? If so, how did you deal with it?

It was extremely hard. I have a pretty big family with about 30 cousins, and I'm very close to all of them. Only one other person in my family has moved away before, so this was something no one was used to. It was very upsetting to say bye to them. But they knew this was something I really wanted, so they all stayed strong for me... and the least I could do was give them the same treatment. Trust me, I wish I was back there every day, but this job was something I worked so hard for, so I'm sticking to it. Besides, my parents remind me how proud they are that I achieved this all the time, and that helps a lot. If Kat didn't come visit once a month, I probably couldn't make it.

If you had to go back and rebuild every lets play in Minecraft with Team Building Exercise, which would you dread the most and which do you think you would enjoy the most?

I would dread Storm the Tower the most. It wasn't the biggest, but it was definitely the most complicated. And I think I would enjoy building something simple like Lava Wall or even MegaTower the most, just because we could spend the time talking and laughing without worrying about messing anything up.

When recording commentary over Skype, how did you show the other person the video? Did you send it to them? If yes, how did you send it?

Usually I would call them up on Skype and just share my screen with them. (Since usually I didn't show them the video before we commentated). If you need to send them the video, render out a lower quality, smaller version, and send it over skype. Then you need to make sure you both hit 'play' at the same time so your commentary is lined up. With sharing screens you dont have to worry about it.

How frequently should I make Community Videos until I can be considered an established community hunter?

It's not just how frequent your videos are that make you established. It's a combination of frequency, how long you've been making videos, how many different people you've worked with on videos, and the quality of your videos. Make sure you can check all of those off your list before asking Caleb. Also the only reason to care if you're "established" or not is to pitch your own series. So come up with a good idea before messaging Caleb once you think you've done enough.


Language: English