
Jeremy Dooley

Ask @AH_Jeremy

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Hey Jeremy, you might not know but I figured I'd ask anyway, but do you know if there'll be an AH panel at RTX with all 13-14 Achievement Hunters on it?

I would assume the panel will include Geoff, Jack, Ryan, Michael, Gavin, Me, Matt, Lindsay, and Kdin. Steffie might be on it. Trevor and Caleb might be on it as well, but will probably have their own panel for Game Kids, so who knows if they'll hit both.

"Will RT or AH ever create a inbox show like Respawn had? Because I think it would do well." "We've talked about it, but it would essentially be impossible to do a show like that without blatantly being a copy of Inbox." Why would it become a copy of inbox?

It isn't an original idea unless we found a way to totally recreate it. An improv show based off of fanmail isn't original.

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