
Jeremy Dooley

Ask @AH_Jeremy

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do you know if anyone will be from Rooster teeth will be going to MCM London this year? hope you're having a good week :)

I've been asked this a bunch, and unfortunately I have no idea. Your best bet is to just watch the site and twitter. If someone's going, RT will let you know.

What made you go into making rap battles??and also you are really talented with doing that! :)

I just got really into the Epic Rap Battles of History and thought "I want to try and write something like that." So I just went for it. I used to write songs when I was younger, but just never settled down with a group of people to start a band and make them reality.

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did it take you long to get acclimated with your new job? what was the first project you worked on after being officially hired?

It didn't take long to feel at home in AH. I had been doing this same stuff on my own for so long that it was second nature to me. I can't remember what my first project was, but I remember one of the first videos I edited was Lets Play Towerfall Part 2


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