
Jeremy Dooley

Ask @AH_Jeremy

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Do participate in How To's because you happen to be in the same office as Adam and Joel or is it because they thought you would be a good fit for the show?

Joel told Matt and I that he wanted us to join How To's before we were even hired. He said "In the off chance that you guys get hired, we want you to do these videos with us." Sure enough it happened.

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From your waiter job what were some experiences with nice regulars and what were some with shitty ones.

Well I worked at two different restaurants for about a year-and-a-half each. There were definitely some regulars that were awesome. Old couples that would request to sit with me because they liked talking to me. And there were good times, like I accidentally knocked a plate off a table while cleaning it and broke it on the floor, so I just turned around and held my hands up to the restaurant and bowed. Almost everyone in the full building stood up and started clapping. But those were just so outweighed by the bitter people that seemed like they were just out to be upset, rather than have a good time with their friends or family. Now when I go out I pretty much always tip extra... because I know how much it can suck.

So, from one short guy to another, how do you deal with people constantly commenting on your height? I'm a bit shorter than you are and I get really angry when people comment on my height a lot, any advice on how to deal?

There really isn't any advice other than to just deal with it. A lot of people online like to comment on my height, and it's nice to just look at some of them and think "I've already accomplished way more than you probably ever will... and I am quite a bit shorter than you." Eventually you just learn to ignore it. Once you stop reacting to it, the people saying it lose interest.


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