
Jeremy Dooley

Ask @AH_Jeremy

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What would recommend for a first game recording setup (mic, capture card etc.) ?

Any mic and capture will work. The mic I used as a Samson Meteor Mic that only costed me about 60 bucks. As for capture cards I suggest watching Community FAQ on the AHCommunityVids channel. Jason talks about all the different kinds you could get. I personally had a roxio HD which came with an editing program, but that will run you between 80 and 100 bucks. I don't really remember exactly how much

on your channel you and your friends did a space race in Kerble space program it was the first person to get a space plane into space but we never saw who won what happened and can you find some way to make somekind of video with KSP with Roosterteeth

Andrew won. Shocker. But I've pitched kerbal to AH a couple times. We're trying to figure out the best way to make a video. Maybe a lets watch kind of thing

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Jeremy, you are so lucky and I think you're totally awesome. Do you ever plan to do any acting/writing/designing with Rooster Teeth, or will you just remain in the Achievement Hunter branch? Cause it'd be cool to see you in an RT Short or something!

I let Burnie and Matt know early on that I would love to get involved in any production that could use my help. This weeks recap is probably the first RT thing I've done so far and it won't be the last.

Does every CH video have to have dual commentary, no matter the content?

Yup, every single one. It's not to make it more difficult, it's because people at AH watching community content want to make sure that the people they're watching can meld well with other personalities and remain funny with anyone they work with. Also having videos with several different people shows they are involved with the community.

So I'm a small-ish YouTuber (60,000) subs. How would you reccomend I get into the AH Community channel?

Just start churning out videos and talking to the other big name CHers. Read the rules before submitting so there are no issues. Any video will work. Things to Dos are the easiest because they can be whatever you want, but people are usually more impressed with good guides and easter eggs

You have the choice to fight either 1000 jiu-jitsu masters or 1000 MMA fighters. All you have is your natural skills and one small dagger. If you survive, you get 3 million dollars. Would you fight for the money, and who would you fight?

I would pick either one and then immediately just stab myself. I don't have the reaction speed necessary to catch a pillow Joel throws at me... I will not win this fight


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