
Jeremy Dooley

Ask @AH_Jeremy

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Maybe someone's asked this before but I hear you like Avatar the Last Airbender and I was wondering whose your fave character and fave episode?

Sorry, but I don't watch Avatar. I just know of it.
Liked by: Caitlyn Mitchell

Is Funhaus too busy making quality content for their self aware adults whereas you guys have quantity? I guess that explains the whole fuss about work between Michael, Bruce and Lawrence on that FH reddit drama.

Yeah, they're too busy making quality content for their self aware adults. That's that thing they say in their videos all the time, right? Almost obsessive how much it comes up. Well I guess everyone needs some reason to explain why they get less views/subscribers than someone else. :D

How and where did the whole "Funhaus claims they're too busy doing really important hard work to play video games while AH was playing/winning video games and talking smack about them on the Off Topic podcast" come from? You guys do this (play video games/host the Off Topic podcast) for a living.

It literally started as one line from Lawrence during Dead by Daylight or something where he yelled at us that "We don't have time to play games all day. We do work!" Anyways, we kept poking at it and talked about it on Off Topic because we found it funny. Then fans, who take everything a thousand times too seriously, go off and get all twisted up about it, and turned it into some giant thing that it isn't. Even the Overwatch thing turned into some giant pissing fight between fans. We made a video we knew was going to be bad, and FH did something that saved the videos and made them hilarious. And yet people still shout and cry about them "cheating" or us "not trying." We're both doing our best to turn two videos that shouldn't work into something that will.


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