

Ask @pepseeh

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Are you sure it's love, not law, that keeps you up all night?

Sometimes it's both, but I'm pretty sure that love keeps me up all night more.

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If you were a car, what kind of car would you be?

The fuck do you think I am, some kind of Transformer?
But seriously I'd be a big SUV or pick-up

Top 5 books you think everyone should read:

1. New Civil Code (especially Book IV) + Family Code
2. 1987 Constitution
3. The Revised Penal Code
4. The Code of Professional Responsibility
5. The entire Harry Potter series

Everyone changes. How do you think you've changed compared to your freshman year in college?

I've grown up very much since then, that much's for sure. Perhaps the biggest change is that I'm not as naive as I was then - although then again, that happens to everyone as they age. But that's what comes to me off the top of my head.

You apologize in behalf of all males? But you're not one D:

Yeah, I'm a man.
...that doesn't really work if the word isn't "boy," huh?

You seem like a very sensitive guy that girls would like. Actually you can be a girl. If you want it enough.

Nah, I'm good. Thanks

What do you love the smell of? 

Really, really, really good perfume. The kind that just sticks with you and is instantly recognizable.

Didn't you get the memo? We wear pink on wednesdays.

Yeah, well, I'm sorry - nobody's been following that for a while, so I thought the memo had prescribed. :|

Why can't some guys stick to just one girl? WHY

I don't know, but I apologize in behalf of all the guilty males. All of them.

What did your grandmother teach you?

Everything. How to be a good son, grandson, and person overall. And a bit of Filipino, because she's a Filipino teacher :))
But most importantly, two things:
1. If you affect people and their lives in some positive way, they will never forget you. Ever.
2. It's always okay to talk about one's mortality. It's even okay to joke about it when you're getting close. When one does so freely, it means that person has managed to find peace in their life, especially peace with the idea of death, because they understand the idea that it's a release from all the stress and pain the world has for you.

Celebrity crush(es)?

A lot. And just because I saw Bubble Gang last night, off the top of my head is Sam Pinto, who incidentally is on the top of my list.
Although like I said before, while she is hot and stuff, she probably wouldn't be able to go all night long with me... dissecting TV shows and movies. That's that for her being a dream girl, I guess. :))

What topic of conversation do you consider boring?

Usually anything I couldn't relate to. There's a higher risk of me spacing out completely when that happens.

What keeps you going?

Keeps me going in what sense?
In any case, I've got friends who both make me laugh and I can make laugh, people who are willing to listen to me when I'm not totally in it, TV shows I don't watch on TV, and serious discussions dissecting HIMYM and other assorted nuggets of pop culture.


Language: English