

Ask @pepseeh

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What's the best prank you've ever played on somebody?

I once told people I was leaving for the States, and the next summer, it actually tried to happen to me

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Do you decide quickly or do you think a long time?

Both, but maybe leaning toward a long time. For example, I shouldn't take so long to decide what to eat

Do you whistle in public?

Yes! Or at least, I try to; been practicing how to do it for the longest time and I finally figured out that the right way to create the solid tone is to inhale sharply. Now my next challenge is sustaining it, and then whistling different notes.
(I'm such a noob b)

Do you like long hair or short hair better on others?

You do realize that you can't really answer this question with a blanket statement?

Is global warming real? What do you think will happen?

Climate change is real. If we don't fix shit, we'll die, but nature will live on and eventually correct itself

Would you get a tattoo? What and where?

Not interested in one even though I figure they'd make my body look more interesting. Probably Samoan-style pec-and-sleeve (even though I'm not Samoan and therefore undeserving of this honor).

Who is your biggest mentor?

I don't have one biggest influence. Your question is correct in implying that there have been many people in my life who served as mentors, but they all influence me largely in different ways, in different phases and aspects of my life. (Sorry.)

Would you ever get a piercing? Where?

Nah not really. It isn't my thing, and I could live without having a metal detector in the airport go off unnecessarily

What would animals say to us if they could talk?

"A lot of you humans are fucking pieces of shit, and most of you ain't even know it."

How did you insult intelligence?

You know when you lie to somebody, and they know you're lying, and you know they know you're lying, yet you still push on with the lie on the off chance that they don't know you're lying? Even though there's no chance at all? In doing that, you assume that the person is stupid when they're really not. That's arguably the most insulting thing you could do to someone. Especially someone you claim to hold in high regard.
And I'm still sorry every day

Hey man. This may sound weird, but I really don't feel that much pleasure whenever my girlfriend goes down on me. Is there something wrong with me or is she not doing it right? I'm kinda worried :/

Sorry, fixing my answer.
It's either you're too big or she really don't know how to do it. Size can get in the way of a good blowjob, but simply putting it in her mouth doesn't make a good one either. The only way we'd know which it is is if you get into details, and I'm not about to pressure you into doing that, man

Will humans ever live on another planet?

Yes, but it will take years (and lightyears, even if that's not a measurement of time). Assuming we do develop warp or FTL transportation, that is. Either way, it's going to take a long damn time.


Language: English