

Ask @pepseeh

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Do you like Coke or Pepsi? Why?

I like neither nowadays. Soda is bad for yous, man.
(I was sneakily--yet unintentionally--given a cup of Sarsi the other day and while I love rootbeer most, I felt so dirty afterward.)

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Do you prefer to talk or to listen?

I prefer to listen, but I been hustling on my talkin' skills out of necessity

Has anyone made you suffer lately? What did you do about it?

Nah. I cause my own suffering, then I sleep it off.

Who's the last/current person you hate/d?

Kids who had no idea who Paul McCartney was outside of Kanye's song. I mean, really...

What are your New Year's resolutions?

Push myself even harder. I've come such a long way from where I was this time last year.
Liked by: Nick

What do you wish for the most in the new year?

I wish for strength.
For myself, as I try to juggle things I must do and things I want to do. As I try to make it out fulfilled and in one piece.
For others as well, especially to those who need it most in their lives. The world gets meaner as time passes, and there is no space for weakness here.

What has 2014 given you?

A new love, and new ways to live my life. A whole array of options I never once thought were possible.


Language: English