

Ask @pepseeh

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When's the last time you made someone cry?

Just last Thursday.
I swear I never like these things, dammit

Is shopping a form of entertainment for you?

Yeah, come to think about it. I mean CD-R King is like a treasure trove of ridiculous finds for me

If you could change one thing about Ask.fm what would it be?

The fact that notifications still show up on mobile long after I've dealt with them on web. Get it together, Russians

All arrogance is very visible under the correct light, reflecting how much the person believes in the efficacy of their "dick." The question of "deserving" arrogance is more about results. It's not just you who's arrogant, of course. A final question: If not for yourself, for whom are you arrogant?

Right, of course. For the previous question, then, I do deserve to be a bit arrogant, but I know how much of it I'm entitled to. I hope you don't think I'm wildly arrogant.
For everyone. For myself, for people who know me, and especially for people who don't know me well.

Even if you don't "give a fuck," deep down inside do you think you deserve to be arrogant about yourself?

Of course not. Nobody should suck their own dick that much. However, you do have to present a confident and competent image of yourself in order for people to take you seriously.
What makes you say I am "visibly" arrogant, anyway? Just curious.

What fuels your very visible arrogance?

Oh, wow. Very visible, lol
A little bit of rage, a little bit of confidence, a generous sprinkling of not giving a fuck, and a lot of insight to know how I want things to be and people to do them.

What do you prefer: read the newspaper, watch TV News, or check online news?

The news is depressing, but at least online news gives me the choice to read whatever the hell I want to read

When was the longest you've gone without peeing? At a concert? a bus trip? a camp? what happened?

The longest might have to be when I was in the middle of watching the Last Samurai in the theater. That movie's fucking long, and back then I felt like I couldn't miss a single second of it.

What's the best cheese to eat with crackers?

White people seem to love that fancy cheese more than most, especially with wine

What was the last 'nice' thing you did for yourself?

Would have to be skipping the gym last night and heading right home. Needed sleep so bad, I ended up missing my stop and taking a few minutes to figure out where I was through my drowsy haze.


Language: English