

Ask @pepseeh

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What makes life worth living?

That rush you get when you meet it head on and you stay in the fight (at the very least).

If you could witness any historical moment, which one would it be?

Shit, there are a lot of these I'd like to witness. Can't go on just one.

describe ur gurl

To keep it a bit brief:
She's pretty and she knows it.
She's very talented; so talented that sometimes she thinks she doesn't know what to do with it, but in truth she just doesn't have enough outlets. (Real life'll do that to a creative soul as it sits on your shoulders with jobs and bills and responsibilities.)
She's also free-spirited and crazy that it wears me out sometimes, but I wouldn't want to be with someone who's sullen and all that. Last weekend we went on an adventure in a time I needed to just get away. (Although I'm back in the real world again.)

what's your favorite remedial law subj

Haven't made it to second year yet, but CivPro seems a lot of fun from the way my friend Jethro talks about it so much (assuming you, asker, actually are not Jethro)

Why go to Ateneo then if you hate it so much?

Still #2 in the game, man. (#shotsfired, yes)
UPDATE: Okay, I feel like this deserves a proper-er answer.
When I go back to law school I will basically be in the process of trying to look for the best possible education I can find given, well, the fact that wherever I end up in won't be UP and will never be UP, because I know how UP Law does things. So I (and my father, at least) believe that the next best thing to UP is the second-best in the game, and that's Ateneo. How I'm going to pull that off, I don't know. Maybe I'll still get some UP reviewers or syllabi or something.
The reason why I'm still so hung up about not being in UP Law anymore is that I know for a fact that I will not be getting the best law education anymore. You can call me out and hit me on that for essentially burying other law schools but sorry, not sorry, it's pride in the university I graduated in talking.
It was painful and humiliating at times, but damn will I miss it. Stockholm syndrome, fuck yeah.

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Liked by: Jyle Sulit

Where do you wish to study law again? When will your brotherss finish college?

In two years, hopefully. HOPEFULLY. One of them's been delayed by a course that wasn't really made for him until he shifted to one that was, so hopefully they're still on track.
As for the first question, if I could have UP back that would be the best choice. For now, though, it seems I have to swallow my pride and go to Ateneo. Thought alone kills me.

What time did you wake up this morning?

6 a.m., and intermittently before that, due to the anxiety of having to leave at 7:30 for a shoot today.

Can you really like someone without thinking of a future with them?

Yes, I don't see how that's impossible.

What's the most expensive thing you've ever broken?

My old Nintendo 64, when my young ass plugged a 110 into a 220


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