

Ask @pepseeh

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"Major douchebags..." Would you beat up a major douchebag for a girl that you like? #notthesameasker

Yeah. Probably would, if I flew off the handle.

One particular type of guys that girls (or girls you like) like that you just don't get.

Major douchebags. As in the kind of dude that makes a girl feel bad about herself and makes the rest of you wonder why she's even with him.

Which Ask.fm gift would you like to receive?

Um... none, unless those gifts start meaning something.
Or does a nude pic count?

Why do you like wearing hoodies? Is it always cold inside?

It's always cold in my soul, bruh
But they're really nice and comfy and I like having a kangaroo pouch in which I can put my hands

"I actually think the show should've ended with the season 4 finale." Yes, the 5th season finale sucked. I guess they did it on purpose because of all the issues on funding. I had high hopes for the last episode. We should thank Subway for helping them out, though Anyway, yes. I am the same person

I'm hedging all my expectations because of it. But it has to end; so I have to go see it someday

".... realizing how much of an entitled douchebag I was" Nice to hear that you have outgrown yourself. You're pretty articulate. Why did you quit law school?

Thanks :)
I never quit law school. I promised myself that the only time I would ever leave it is when it kicked me out - and it did. The whole story's way too long for me to tell right now, but I guess I can sum it all up to me not being ready to take it on.
So you've got me here, trying to figure out exactly what I want to achieve in life and how to get there.

"Go watch it plz; I'm long overdue for another marathon myself" I've seen all five seasons, and I also loved them. ;)

Wait, are you the same person who asked me that question? :))
You know what, though? You know how you delay finishing something just so you don't get to the end and feel all sad and empty afterward? That's me with Chuck - I haven't gotten started on season 5 yet. I keep forgetting to download it, I don't want it to end, and I actually think the show should've ended with the season 4 finale.
That said, I'll probably finish the whole thing if I could get my hands on a copy of the entire series.
Liked by: Nina Constantino

So you like Chuck (TV series)? What is it with you guys and Chuck?

Guy stuff (guns, fighting, secret agents, explosions) + good writing (witty dialogue, great character development, and even better relationship-building across the board). Go watch it plz; I'm long overdue for another marathon myself

"I used to be a really, really arrogant prick as a teenager. I grew up from that somewhere down the line and I'm not as mayabang nowadays." "Humility is the strangest thing. The moment you think that you have it is the moment that you have lost it." #notaquestion

Been digging through my answers, huh?
I wasn't trying to say I was humble in that little statement - it was really more of looking back on my teenage years and realizing how much of an entitled douchebag I was.
I agree, you can't go around saying you're humble and expect people who hear it to believe that, but surely there's a little space in there for some non-arrogant self-awareness? What do you think?

What question do you ask yourself?

So what's it gonna be for lunch today? Have we had enough of the McSpicy yet?

What one thing do you need to do next?

I need to flesh an angle out in my head, as part of the writing process. Then I need to actually write.
But first I have to get up off this bed, I suppose.

When you need advice, who do you go to?

There is a High Council of Friends (most of them ladies) whom I turn to with queries.

Are you still friends with someone from kindergarten?

'Fraid not. Doesn't mean I can't run into them again one day, though.


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