

Ask @pepseeh

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Would legalizing marijuana be a good thing or bad thing?

Would most likely end up being a good thing. The plant gets demonized too much - you can still smoke the drug *and* properly function as a member of society. What you do with it determines you, but I don't think we're going to see a population full of pothead zombies.
Oh, and legalization doesn't immediately get rid of social taboos, so you've still got that to work with. I'm not even sure if that's half the battle. It might not even be.

What happened to your 100-Peso (or less) date?

What do you mean what happened? The asker (or you, if that was you) just asked me if I can theoretically pull it off - and I just said I theoretically could. :))

when a guy flirts with you erryday...it means?

It means he might be bored or he might be brave, but he's definitely interested in you. Tread carefully though

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How many languages can you speak?

Fluent in English and Filipino. Can speak basic Spanish and even basic-er Italian and German. No longer have any grasp on Russian.

What is the best way to learn a foreign language?

This was already a question of the day, I believe, and my answer remains the same. Learn from and speak it with a beautiful girl.

I am anon! you know who Im talking about because. D. why are they dicks? :((

If you're talking about who I think you're talking about... wala, mayabang sila at medyo wala rin silang pakikisama eh. I figure that they think they're better off relying on themselves and thinking they're above the rest.
What they do ba lately?

baket ang mean ng mean boys? :( you know who im talking about. i dont mean in general.

Wait! Who are you? What do you mean I know who you're talking about? :))

Now, do you remember the 21st night of September?

Why yes, yes I do. I believe love was changing the mind of pretenders. :)

What's your favorite Pokemon?

Uh, man. Tough to name a single favorite, but I guess I've always been partial to Blastoise.
And have you seen that Mega Evolution? That makes me love it even more!
Whats your favorite Pokemon


Language: English