

Ask @pepseeh

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What would you do if you found out your gf was texting her ex & asking to meet up with him for dinner & beer behind your back? You found out by accident (like a friend or you saw text messages between them)

Okay, I saw you ask someone else this same question so I figure I don't know you.
You're a much better person than I am for finding out by accident, so you're well within your rights to confront him/her about it. If s/he gives you an answer that you feel is less than satisfactory, get the hell out of that relationship.
I think, though, that whatever the answer is, it's probably gonna wanna make you get the hell out of the relationship anyway. I'm honestly not the best person to ask this, but I'm sorry to hear it anyway.

Do you need money to be happy?

Yo, if value wasn't ever a concept of life, we wouldn't need currency to get things that would please us.
But at its basest form, happiness doesn't necessarily have to come by way of a purchase. It's just that life today makes money a requirement, but I still believe there could be something you can get completely for free.

What's the best way to spend $1,000,000?

Food + money = bidness

What is the one thing you could not live without?

Music - I've spent embarrassing amounts on cheap earphones just because i need a quick fix (and I know that that's not really the answer)

What makes you feel better when you are in a bad mood?

Food. Lately though I realized that if I just give some time for a little rationalization and for the mood to settle, I can make it go away. It takes a lot more strength to tame the beast than to let it loose.

What crazy things do you dream of trying someday?

Shaving my head in an actual buzzcut, just so I can see how good (or bad) my eventual bald self will look. I've been edging closer to it, little by little, lately, and I might be ready soon. (Perhaps, though, not a lot of other people will call that a crazy thing to try.)

What makes you cry?

This year I found that more than anything, the feeling of being helpless makes me cry. More than pure sadness. More than grave loneliness. There are times I felt that things wouldn't get better no matter what happened or what I did, and that's when I broke down.
Of course, I also did eventually learn that things get better, so dont worry 'bout me.

To your previous asker: I don't think women misunderstand Jethro. I think it's the other way around. He misunderstands women and doesn't realize when his actions are already borderline creepy and/or insensitive, making them feel uncomfortable.

Okay, I was debating how to go about dealing with this as I generally have a policy of trying to cut gripes against my friends short by telling whoever's asking to fuck off - not because I condone any of my friends' disagreeable behavior, but because this is my page and it's bad form to allow business and beef and drama that isn't wholly mine to go on here. I mean, the dude has his own Ask.fm page at @jethropop and you can go to war with him there.
But I recognize that he doesn't use it much, and in particular, your own complaint wasn't especially and unreasonably scathing, so I suppose I'm making the decision of putting this out for the world to see without hitting back.
So here you go, asker. For the record, though, I'd like less of these things to happen on my account.

What's missing in your life?

Wow, is it #scotchoclock already? I was hoping to sleep it off.
Well. I'd just gotten one of the things I'd been wishing for and I'm damn grateful for that.
If anything's missing, it's someone to share a little happiness (and walks in cold, windy nights) with.


Language: English