

Ask @kinankawuryan

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kak kinan, kalo ke interior dari ips bisa? yg lebih ditekankan di interior pelajaran apa kak? makasiiiiiih

Bisa dong, jurusan Seni dan Desain tidak mengkotak-kotakan IPA, IPS, Bahasa atau yang lainnya because every child is an artist.
Lalu sepertinya agak susah merelevansikan pelajaran SMA dengan jurusan desain interior karena SMA sama kuliah itu beda banget pelajarannya. Tapi selama kamu lulus SMA then you're good to go ok.

Dear Kinan, where can I get combat boots for 20 bucks? Waiting for your answer like crazy. Regards.

Sorry to disappoint but it may be hard to find since I got them from a thrift store when I was in USA :')

In society, virginity is still an important thing in Indonesia. But I lost it several months ago with a stranger 13 years older than me. Then I have sex with a lot of older stranger, most of them are in their 30s. How will I explain this to my future husband, or future serious relationship?

You know he's the one when you can tell him that you lost your virginity just like you tell him that you had a coffee this morning.


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