

Ask @kinankawuryan

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Kinan ada rencana anal ga gitu secara kan serem banget katanya.

Whatever u mean stay away from my butthole

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Mau nanya dong... gue udh pacaran 7thn. Tp KKN kmrn gue baper sm cowo. cowo nya deket jg sm cewe lain di kampus, tp doi jg suka sm gue pdhl tau gue udh ada pacar. kita ngerasa kaya gabisa bersatu gitu... trs skrg jauhan. Tp gue msh kepikiran doi melebihi pacar gue. gue harus ngejar doi apa gmn?

Do you know why a fling always sound like a perfect love? Because love is only perfect for a short time.
You haven't dig their flaws that deep, you haven't sucked their presence long enough so you keep craving for it, and you haven't felt bored yet.
If you decided to leave your current partner for a fling, you might find another fling in the future and you'd feel the same all over again. It'll be a never ending circle.

What is your top 3 reasons for not wearing certain types of article of clothing and what are they?

I don't wear buttoned shirt because:
1. I'm afraid of buttons
2. I'm afraid of buttons
3. I'm afraid of buttons
Liked by: veandra

pertanyaan iseng saja, seandainya sudah menikah nanti ingin tinggal di kota apa dan punya berapa anak?

I don't mind settling anywhere as long as the weather isn't harsh.
And I would like to have 5 kids in a form of dog.
Liked by: Piggy

kak minta pendapat kakak dong.. aku mau ngambil mata kuliah di semester atas tapi aku takut kewalahan nantinya kak :( menurut kakak aku ambil ga ya? makasih kak

Enjoy your whole process of learning and don't rush it. College life is one of the best parts of life, go live it to the fullest alias jangan ambis-ambis amat lah.


Language: English