

Ask @kinankawuryan

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kak pilih planner ukuran apa? A5/B5 ?

B5 is too small I may lose it at the first day of 2017 so I'm gonna go with a5.
Btw I haven't bought myself a planner for 2017 because all the planners I've found are either expensive or giving om om vibes :(
Liked by: aissy Sashaa Gautama

Halo. Mungkin ini kedengarannya kyk minta justifikasi aja, tapi is it okay to remain silent kalo ngedengar sesuatu yang 'salah' di lingkunganku instead take an act of it? Soalnya aku takut ikut tambah salah karena merasa masih kurang capable dan berpengetahuan.

"If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor." -Desmond Tutu

Do you enjoy hanging out with yourself only? Such as going to a coffee shop alone, having a quality time on your own, rather than going out with your friends?

I don't mind hanging out alone. I actually do spend most of my time alone. But I like it better to have a companion.
Having a companion saves me from getting too lost of my own thought or simply keeps me sane.


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