

Ask @kinankawuryan

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Yang tentang DotA itu, oke banget wkwkwk. Tapi coba main DotA bareng aja kak. Seru kok ^^

..but not everyone can handle people who has bad sensorimotor skills towards gaming without at least cursing :')

Kak kinan. Pernah gak sih ngerasa sedih tiba tiba terus kesepiaan gituu.. Harus gimana ya.. aku sedih semua temenku sibuk masing2 padahal kalau mereka lg ada masalah sama pacar2 mereka aku selalu dengerin mereka, giliran aku butuh mereka gak ada:-(

Nope. I raised myself to not depend on people because we are all unreliable. I might be alone most of the time but I ain't lonely.

Hi, Mba Kinan! Are you selective when it comes to follow another Ask.fm-er? What do you tipically look for, when you follow people? Is it tipically mutual, or do you prefer to sit on the sidelines and be the follower not the followee? Thank you and have a good day!

ohsnapitsguido’s Profile PhotoGuisus Christ
Hi, first of all I like the way u call me mba. Tbh I always love being called mbak rather than kak, teh, or neng.
I follow only less than 30 people, even 1/3 of them are inactive.
I've been unfollowing a lot of people this year. There was even a point where I don't have any following for weeks because I don't feel comfortable with the information flow of my feeds. Therefore I detox my feed and start discovering people from zero.
In the end, I follow everyone who is nice to me and doesn't make me feel insecure. There are a lot of great people in ask.fm, but great doesn't mean they will inspire you to do great, they can also make you feel small and worthless. That's one of the reason I've been constantly curating my feed and I left with high quality following which can make me comfortable being here.

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I think I saw you the other day While you were picking your nose on the wayside 😂

Congratulations for spotting me being lame as fuck.


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