

Ask @kinankawuryan

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Hey, Kinan :) I just found out that you spent 6 weeks in the US learning about business start-ups. Can you tell me the name of that event? I am eagerly interested to join. Thank you :)

dhillaibtida’s Profile PhotoDilla Ibtida
Hello Dilla!
It's Syracuse Student Sandbox hosted by Syracuse University. It's basically a six week business accelerator program for student entrepreneur. You might wanna check their page: http://syracusestudentsandbox.syr.edu
BUT this is not a free exchange program, they'll cost you around $3000 to join their program. In my case, my school collaborated with the founder so we can join for free.

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Kelas ekonomi dikasih makanan apa klo long flight?

Macem-macem lah tergantung maskapainya.
Tapi yang jelas sih jauh lebih proper ketimbang makanan kita sehari hari. 😂
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Nan, lagi ingin cari suasana baru belajar nih ada saran perpustakaan yg nyaman tidak riuh di Bandung ini? Thanks.

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