

Ask @kinankawuryan

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Your latest post, both the photo and the paragraf that follows are so beautiful. Would really wait for another of your post!

The fact that you're sending me this around 6 am this morning is totally sweet. Glad you like it though!❤️

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Do you ever feel like you are overly attached to someone?

I am an overly attached girlfriend myself :>
By the way, I was helping a friend for his intimate photography portfolio. I'm so happy to see the results because it's like I was portrayed as a happy newly wed wife cuddling with bae. If you have time, please check the rest of the series on my blog, they are all too beautiful!!
Do you ever feel like you are overly attached to someone

Perfect hourglass sih tapi atasnya.......kopong :(

Oh darling, you should do more research abut how to achieve your desired aesthetic because everything is possible if you try hard enough. Good luck!
Liked by: Dora

Dear Kak Kinan, thanks for inspiring me supaya lebih confident dgn badan kurus dan dada rata. Like, seriously, people often call me the walking stick and I hate that. Thanks for your answers, may god bless you!

That's sweet. Always remember that clothes look better in thin body and smaller breasts (which is why models are so thin and flat chested). Have a good day!

(http://ask.fm/kinankawuryan/answer/138746753086) Not all engineering tho. Himpunanku pendekatannya lebih dominan secara psikologis juga sih. Well people often forget that my major is actually engineering too anyway lol. (not that anyone cares) Btw greetings from south-eastern neighbour mba Kinan!

What's your major exactly? Is it architecture?
If it is so, I once took an architecture class where the lecturer said that architecture is more into humanism rather than technical because you create an environment for human to grow, so she thinks architecture would suit more into social faculty. And I personally think architecture is also a part of art, an applied art to be exact.
So I hope it's explaining enough why architecture have the same mental torture when ospek just like anak SR because we're basically siblings.
(But if your major isn't architecture then it's ok, I hope my answer amuses you)

Hi folks, mind to share your most memorable first date? Is it true that a good first date leads to a second date? Thank you and have a good day!

I was hungry and he took me to Cibadak to eat Nasi Campur. I didn't think twice to look forward for a second date because it's ★nasi campur★
Liked by: Febby Nay

Apakah kamu akan datang ke LALALA FEST?

I heard that this is some kind of forest music festival, no?
But my mom --a biologist-- said that birds are leaving the forest (in her case, Taman Hutan Raya Dago) because there are too many music festival with loud sound held in the forest.
Lalala fest is cool, but do they consider the animals who live in the forest?

Teh kinan, kalau di seni2an himpunan nya ga sekeras teknik2an? Atau sama aja?

Pendekatannya kerasnya beda sih sepertinya. Kalo teknik pas ospek kan lebih di-push ke fisik sementara seni2an lebih ke mental.
Like, kalo bikin salah pas ospek himpunan teknik bakal nyuruh push up etc, meanwhile himpunan seni bakal ngeanjing anjingin. And that's fair enough I guess.


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