

Ask @kinankawuryan

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apakah masturbasi buat cewe bisa dilakukan berbagai cara?

Well yes, sure!!
Masturbating for female isn't always about putting something into da hole. It's about giving yourself pleasure.
If touching your vajayjay makes you feel good then it counts, if squeezing your bewbs feels good then it also counts.
Explore yourself and know yourself better, you might find your own technique of masturbating.

wow robek sampe anus. gak mau normal tp denger2 c section di rumah sakit di jakarta bisa around 50-75mio. terus sama upacara adat aja udah 50mio. bye aku harus kerja apa hhhh.

Post modern love with kumpul kebo thingy and tubektomi might save a lot of money
(hey it rhymes)


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