

Ask @kinankawuryan

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Masi untung tinggal di indo dripada luar negeri yg mayoritas non muslim tiap hari sex bebas sampai ada fake taxi segala, bersyukur dong tinggal di indo 👌🏼

Oh my God you're so funny my heart is exploding.
Why should I be grateful living in a country that minds people's personal sex life so much?
And I don't think you understand the whole concept of fake taxi.

What beauty on the outside may be rotten underneath. Better have nice personalities than just being a mere looker. Besides, beauties are relatively biased, no?

Nice personality itself is biased too, honey.
Liked by: willa laras

Lah kan selebask harus diantara 3: suka nyinyir dan menyebarkan enerhi negatif, suka ngelawak dan menyebarkan enerhi positif, ato menyebarkan informasi yang emang penting. Pilih salah satu dong.

Aku menyebarkan informasi penting kok tentang kehidupan sehari-hariku yang biasa saja.

Yuk main #HTA aja biar timbul keributan yang hakiki. Hta in aku.

Kalo main HTA nanti aku dimarah-marahi warga sekitar karena menyebar enerhi negatif. Main yang lain donk.

You should be more grateful, you're not born with defects or disability. Not many people even half as lucky as you are. Beauty is only a skin deep. You should be proud of who you really are, not in the way people perceives about you #imho

To be honest, this common unhelpful kindhearted words make me sick.
What I perceive from what you said is that you emphasize that I'm not beautiful and still need to be grateful about it. If you're trying to help build my self-esteem, you're doing it wrong. It crashed mine even more.


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