

Ask @kinankawuryan

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Nyoh jangan kesal. Kamu pasti bisa melewati ini semua. Allah tidak akan memberikan cobaan yang tidak bisa dilalui umat-Nya......tambah kesel ya?

Kamu siap kugeret ke neraka ya
Liked by: sisilia vilen

Good morning! Can you do me a favor and follow these instructions? Close your eyes, take a deep breath, exhale, and open your eyes. Surprise! The world still sucks. Have a great day!......question? None! Use this chance to do anything you want. 😆

Yuscha kamu bersedia kujadikan samsak tidak? Kebetulan aku sedang kesal.
Liked by: patricia novia

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You're still in your early 20's yet your neck already saggy like that. What happened?

First of all I wanna say thank you for spending your time zooming my pic and pay attention to a few details.
But it is actually normal to have wrinkles on the side of your neck whenever you turn your head. My neck skin is still in a good condition, by the way
(Attaching a selfie coz no pic = hoax)
Youre still in your early 20s yet your neck already saggy like that What

Waaah lucu juga meninjau Mermaid-man..

Waktu tingkat satu uasnya malah disuruh bikin karya dari belimbing dan kertas...

mba kinan besok-besok kita bikin #sexeducationhour yuk. *meringis liat anonku*

raraspberry’s Profile PhotoRara
Sebenarnya dulu tahun 2014an aku selalu buka sesi sex education 24/7 lho mb rara sehingga sudah kenyang.
Aku mau bikin #badgirlshour aja dech agar terlihat badass dan disegani masyarakat padahal lerpe.


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