

Ask @kinankawuryan

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Kesel ngga sih kalo ada orang yang baru kamu kenal, baru jalan bareng sekali, sesama jenis, trus curhat2 yg isinya ga seharusnya di share ke orang. Trus, ga tiap menit, tiap jam.. ada aja yg di chat. Gak penting pula. Kadang sok care. Gak ngerti apa ya kita punya kesibukan.. pacar jg bkn #yakali

Oh I miss the time when the worst problem I have to deal with is this kind of problem.

Actually this is not a question, but I hate my boyf, bcs he never do forelplay first, how come he can be so dumb, I just dont understand

You should differ ignorance and dumbness. Ignorance is when he actually didn’t know shit about foreplay while dumbness is just plain selfishness of not wanting to do foreplay.
If he’s just ignorant, good. You can enlighten him. But if he’s dumb, well, good luck having main course without the appetizer.

wajar ga si kalo gue ngebatin pas main ke rumah pacar, disaat ortu gue sendiri buat beli makan seharihari susah banget, sedangkan pas main ke rumah pacar, ortu pacar ngomong di depan gue, ngeluarin uang jutaan biasa aja. posisinya, pacar gue tau kalo gue emang bukan dari keluarga berada kaya dia.

Oh honey, you’re just jealous and they’re just being themselves.

Kak kinan jualan cd sekarang?

No, I pre-ordered a CD a long time ago and it supposed to be a gift but shit happened. And I need money. Therefore I sold it. (Yeah, it's been sold!)
Liked by: Elcha Aulia


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