

Ask @kinankawuryan

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thanks you kak Kinan for remember me about privacy.. gimana caranya biar aku bisa terima atas ex-bf yg udah putusin aku stlah kita nglakuin prbuatan tlarang? please gimme reason to continue this life :( aku bner2 ngrasa depresi.. basically, kluarga ku religius dan konvensional... how to deal break u

You worth more than just a hymen only if you can prove it. There, I give you reason to live, to prove and kick ass.
Anyway you have right to not tell your family since they might be very angry and you have full control of your own body. But, if telling them feels right for you, then go on.

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hallo kak kinan! saya seorang maba, ditunjuk sebagai ketua pelaksana untuk pelepasan wisudawan-wati tahun ini. kira-kira konsep apa yang menarik dan sederhana yang dapat saya ambil? jawaban kakak menentukan masa depan saya.

My friends and I risked our academic life (which basically our future) to create a breathtaking wisudaan. Meanwhile you're too afraid to risk anything and trying to get a shortcut by asking ideas for free which is never going to happen.
Good luck with your future.

What are you girls doing in that dried-women group? Overexert each other's misery and then comforting one another or something? 😱

We provide the finest quality of ghibah to each member in order to distract our thirst.
Liked by: Mauditha Angela S.

in your deepest minds of hearts, have you ever imagined yourself as a person who is very powerful and ask someone to worship and kiss your feet?

Almost all the time :)
Liked by: Dinda Hapsari

Hi. Reading your stories reminds me of Ra Ra Riot's Instant Breakup. There, there.

I can't find it anywhere online! If you don't mind can you send me the lyrics/digital media whatsoever through anything you can provide??
Liked by: Auliana grande

menurut kamu pribadi, lebih pilih setelah s1 langsung ambil s2, atau kerja dulu? dan pertimbangannya apa, ya? terus bener gaksih, kalo s2 baru nyari kerja, itu dapetnya ga segampang s1? pls share your thoughts about this choice

It doesn't matter what you choose as long as you know why you take the step. I think when you are going to graduate school you are supposed to have clear plans what are you going to do with your master degree and the knowledge you earned. So you shouldn't be clueless of where are you going to work after graduate school.
If you go to graduate school just to apply a position for people with bachelor degree, then why bother going to graduate school?


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