

Ask @kinankawuryan

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Kenapa ya semakin aku gede semakin aku mempertanyakan adanya tuhan, like aku masih beribadah tapi ada sesuatu (even tho idk what it is) yg ngebuat aku bertanya-tanya "tuhan ada ga sih?" so what should i do then? Pls answer me in a serious way. Thanks before❤

Open your mind, then you shall find the answer.

Punya mantan, putusnya cm krn beda agama, udah diputusin msih selalu bilang "sayang lo" tiap mau balik hbis nganter gue, how? Klo gue luluh lg gmn?

The question is why tf do you still agree to get dropped home by him anyway? You let yourself fall into pitfall at the first place.

i think i saw u at oldbens with your boyf right??? pgn disapa tapi takut salah orang 😬

Wow it’s been awhile since I got this kind of question! Hahaha yea, that was me. Which one are you anyway?
Liked by: Annisa nabilah

Kaaa kinannn sekarang lagi deket sama siapaa? menurut kaka dia gimana orangnya?? sama bagi tips dong ka biar cowo yang deket sama kita ga berpaling deketin cewe lain selain kita

There is a nice guy but I won’t tell anything hahaha.
Also I have no tips since I believe something that is lost and never came back was never meant to be yours at the first place. So just let that guy go and see if he ever comes back.

Happy birthday kak kinannnn!!! ngapain aja nih hari iniii diusia yang baruuu ???

Sorry for the late reply!! My birthday was a week ago and I spent it with working because I’m adulting.

do you consider a pat on the ass by your male friend even if he is a close friend as a sexual harassment or not?

Of course if he did that without my consent and I don’t feel comfortable with that.


Language: English