

Ask @kinankawuryan

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Kak aku salah satu mahasiswa interior design semester 2, kenapa sih kak mata kuliah drafting and detail construction, gambar tehnik itu susah banget kak?? Gara gara itu aku sempet down padahal aku suka banget sama DI kak 😢😢😢

Been there done that, but you can only call yourself interior decorator if you don't master construction, not interior designer.

I hope you get diarrhea on your, errr sorry... scratch that I won't wishing you bad luck, honey In contrast I'm wishing you the very best of luck So yes, instead of diarrhea, I hope you get constipation for all the time in the world 🍀 🍀 🍀

Stop trying to be relevant ok.

"dan aku lupa punya wifi" masih mending drpd aing bingung kenapa ini gabisa internetan padahal abis beli kuota tapi simbol 3G tak kunjung muncul dikirain emang sinyalnya jelek EEEE ternyata ga sengaja matiin celluler data dan baru nyadar setelah pulang ke rumah. goblo. #curhat

Then we can conclude if someone's ignoring your chat, doesn't mean they're not into you. They might be just... careless... :(

lima belas dong nan

A description of the person I dislike the most.
Animal abuser with irrational way of thinking.
Remember the story of a community which abused black dog and accused it as a babi ngepet? Those are the people I would put in Jahannam if I were God for a day.


Language: English