

Ask @kinankawuryan

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omg i thought i'm the only one (except my mom) who uses the word "celana strit" instead of basic. 'strit' itu dr kata apa sih? kalo kata ibuku dr kata stretch.... bener ga sih kak?

HAHAHA NO. I actually spent 10 mins thinking the right word to replace celana strit because I'm mature enough to realize that is not the right name for that kind of pants but fuck it let's use celana strit instead.
Gue juga gak tau asal usulnya darimana, yang jelas waktu sd disuruh pake celana strit sama nyokap biar kolornya gak kemana-mana. Setelah dibeliin barulah gue tau kalo celana strit itu celana pendek ketat.


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