

Ask @kinankawuryan

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Kak kin saya maba itb nih. Kira2 ada tips n' trick untuk bertahan di itb??

1. Jangan kalap beli merchandise ITB karena semua itu tidak ada faedahnya.
2. Jangan telat masuk kelas dan ngumpulin tugas.
3. Sesungguhnya makanan kampus yang mencapai harga 20ribu itu tidak worth it.
4. Jangan kalap ikut unit kegiatan mahasiswa, nggak ikut unit pun tidak dosa.
5. Sebaiknya ikut himpunan.
6. Jangan ikut kepanitiaan acara yang tidak menunjang masa depanmu.
7. Jangan meremehkan mata kuliah umum yang terlihat sepele seperti olahraga.
8. Latihan begadang sesekali.
9. Ikut kepanitiaan pasar seni.
Selamat membuat memori di kampus!

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impersonate anak ask.fm!

Hi, so this is a question that I've answered 2 years ago and I successfully gained over 6000+ likes from this answer.
Yesterday someone broke into my account. They deleted this answer, changed my profile and deactivated my account.
I remained calm and contacted @askfm support center. Thankfully they responded less than 24hrs to get more information about what happened and gladly they recover it just now! (Kudos to askfm team!)
I found out that my askfm email has been altered. I googled the altered email and it leads to some arabic blog, which I can assume the culprit is arab people AND somehow remind me to @dorippu's hacked profile months ago.
So guys, (especially for those who have verified profile) always beware to internet account hacking, always change your password every once in a while, and stay safe!

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Berisi mba Kinan yawla aka tida gemuk tida kurus yawla why

Berisi isn't a word I would like to associated with. Sorry.
By the way it's 165cm.
Liked by: Ifah

ngga mba kinan, hanya game saja. mba kinan mau ngga? maaf mba kinan...

What omg hahaha nooo don't be sorry.
That's one dangerous game which I'd play when necessary so not today satan 😏


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