

Ask @gabrielsyler33

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You're welcome for any kind words. Also, I am not offended by the comment in any way, just giving some advice.

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
It is appreciated.
Also, not ignoring the time travel question, it's a really good one and really deep one that I'm putting time in to consider everything and give a good answer for.

Hey dude, just because you put pictures up of Death, Beetlejuice, and yourself wearing a mask doesn't mean you're a bad person. Your true self is what lies underneath it. I've seen your true self even though you haven't removed the mask. So don't brush away compliments. They do you good.

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
I do apologize if I've upset you. Or the lady who asked that.
I'm not used to compliments, much less from strangers.
And thank you for those kind words.

Hi Cutie ;3 Can you like my answers? Thank you ❤

BonnieFranWright’s Profile PhotoBonnie Wright
I hope not to offend, but how can you begin to call me a 'cutie' and remotely mean it if two pictures 'me' are Beetlejuice and Death and the only actual picture of me has me wearing a mask? No one on here knows what I look like. Again, hope to not offend, just curious.

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What is the meaning of the life in one word?

Life cannot be sumed up in one word. And it isn't even that life is too complicated to explain in one word. It's that I've found most people will need more than one word to shopw them and hopefully get them understand what life truly is about.

Where do you think you would be at on Ask.fm if I hadn't found you?

Probably still occasionaly answering random questions.
Though I will say it's a pleasure to know you. You seem like a wonderful person.

Is it scandalous to wear socks with sandals?

Who in their right bloody mind would think that? It's essentially socks with shoes minus a few pieces. Also, it's each persons preference. Who are we to go 'Oh, they're wearing socks with sandals who does that?' Obviously they do. I mean, they're right there already doing it. Besides, aren't there more important things in life than whether or not it's 'correct' or 'scandalous' as this question puts to wear socks with sandals?
Though I'll give you, if it's the type with that thing that goes between your toes then that can be a little uncomfortable. At least for me. But if you personally don't mind it then by alll means go right ahead. Don't let me stop you.

be wrong about the journal being untouchable, I forget if that one's Karl's or Milo's. But oh well. Happy waiting. Adam's told me that he's "pretty busy." I'm going to assume Noah will make an update video first, and then get the journal in the one after that. I'll keep looking for clues.

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
The journal that is untouchable by members of The Collective is Sebastian's journal currently in possession of Karl Maxwell. The one in the video has to be Milo's which is touchable by anyone. This isn't Firebrand. There is only two people I can think of that Firebrand may let into Noah's home provided he is still protecting Noah; maybe HABIT though that is a stretch and Mr. Scars/Milo. Milo knows a lot more than Noah, and it's his journal. We've also never seen Milo's/Mr. Scars' typing style. Mr. Scars could be waiting and watching Noah to see what he does with the journal and the contents.Unless there is a crucial piece of info we have yet to see, Milo is the only suspect that makes sense to me.
Happy waiting yourself. Hopefully you discover the missing piece to this puzzle.

Update 2: Actually, I kinda can give you a link. I flipped my shit on Noah Maxwell's page on the TT wiki, and provided a link there. Thoughts? http://tribetwelve.wikia.com/wiki/Noah_Maxwell?&cb=2488

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
Ok. Went to Adam's Tumblr, went to TT twitter. Watched the video. My formal analysis;
Noah says he didn't set it up. So that's got to mean either The Collective, Firebrand, or HABIT. Doubt it's HABIT. So that leaves any of The Collective or Firebrand. The only time I've seen Noah with that look is when he tried to shoot The Administrator, or when he attacked Sarah. The picture to me feels like Firebrand or Noah went insane when it was taken. ill be watching you, Observer liked to use lowercase, butheususallydidthis. So maybe someone else. Firebrand is correct with his sentences. so if not Observer or Firebrand then whom? Obviously someone who could get at Milo's journal in Noah's house, which also makes me think Firebrand since last we knew he's protecting Noah. But Firebrand being the culprit doesn't make sense with given info. What's your perspective?

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Do you talk to yourself?

Me: Do I talk to myself? Shoudl I answer this?
Gravely voice: Why should you? Who cares?
British voice: What's the harm really? It's just a random question.
Me: That's true. But people may think we're crazy.
British voice: Don't they already?
Gravely voice: It's also true ain't it?
Me: You two have a point, but still.
Gravely voice: I don't care. you two do what you want.
British voice: You never care about anything do you?
Gravely voice: No. Not really.
Me: Will you two be quiet. Why do I talk to either of you?
British voice: Because people stared at you more when you talked to the skull.
Gravely voice: He has a point.
Me: True. Very true.
Gravely voice: You also feel that given most of the company you have surrounding you that you're the only one with some decent sense or intelligence.
Me: I'm surrounded by idiots though.
British voice: Exactly.
Me: Ok. Good point.

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Update: Sorry about that freakout. I just lost my shit for a second. Can't provide a link, but I know this is the real Noah Maxwell, as I received a notification on my phone saying that TribeTwelve was on Vine. Thoughts on this?

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
It is fine. Don't worry anout it.
Unfortunately I work this morning, but as soon as I return I will investigate and do my analysis then.

What makes a person rich?

The quality of their life. Not the things in it, but the people and how they spend their lives. If it's in pursuit of greed and materialism then they are rather poor.

How do you spend the majority of your free time?

Reading. Writing. Movies. Any side projects. Video games.

Some guys are making weird comments on the Edward O'Connor page. A lot of people are getting pissed off by them. I advise you take a look.

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
It appears to be one or many trolls 'advertising' something. Witchcraft or something. Highly doubt it's worth anything. I agree with the people who are getting pissed. There are other places to do that.

When you’ll be 90 years old, what will matter most to you?

Provided I actually make it to 90 (doubtful) nothing will change on what matters most to me. Family, the next breath, humanity. Same as now at 20.


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