
kent sutjipto

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Kayak bisa aja si bikin film kayak gitu huu

This is a terrible argument.
Can I make a movie? No, I can't. Which is why you don't see me making one.
Can I give a constructive criticism about it? Yes I can, because I did not enjoy the movie. Let's see, the acting was horrible, the plot was very forced, the magic tricks were so scientifically impossible (getting out of a submerged safe in the bottom of a river is highly improbable due to hydrostatic pressure that is linearly proportional to the depth of the river), and the script was so badly written that I lost count of how many times I rolled my eyes during the movie.
By your argument, everyone in this country has to wait until they're capable of ruling Indonesia before participating in presidential election voting. And that's just plain stupid.

Cerita dong kak

Dean Koontz once said that, the most identifying trait of humanity is our ability to be inhumane. Suffice it to say that it is eerie how accurate that quote is.
This post is inspired by CNN's tweet about how the investigators inside the nightclub had to "tune out the nightmarish sound of all the deceased phones' ringing constantly as loved ones try to reach them."
Cerita dong kak

Hal apa yang bisa membuatmu sangat marah? Dan bagaimana cara kamu mengatasinya?

The recent ISIS shooting that killed 50 people.
Like, seriously. What did the shooter intend to achieve by shooting 50 people? That's a lot of people dead just for propaganda bullshit, but too few to dent our overpopulation problem.
I just can't fathom why someone would do something like that. I mean, Hitler did kill six million Jews. Is he an asshole? Yes. Yes, he is. But he did curb overpopulation albeit for a bit. That ISIS shooter was just a plain shitful of anus.

Hi aku cewek umur 18 tahun, mau tanya kak. Lebih bagus injeksi whitening atau minum suplemen gluta buat mutihin gitu ya kak? Lebih cepat kelihatan efek nya yang mana. Thankyou GBU😊😊🙏🏻

Hai aku cowok umur 24 tahun, mau jawab dik. Kalo mau memutihkan kayaknya paling bagus pake pemutih. Sama-sama, gebeu juga.

Ko Kent! Boleh minta bantuannya untuk answer ask ini? I'm trying to find for people to interview for my research through this survey https://candyfantasia.typeform.com/to/gGovdp I don't know how to compensate people yet, but maybe I'll send small gifts from Japan to those I end up interviewing 😻

candyfantasia’s Profile PhotoEu
Monggo dibantu guys. Gue sendiri udah ngisi kok.

selamat sore. menurutmu, bagaimana cara memberantas kemiskinan di indonesia? mohon dijawab se-realistis mungkin, terimakasih! :)

I actually wanted to write a long and thorough answer to your question, but since I just finished reading Orwell's Animal Farm a week ago, let me answer your question with the most interesting quote from that book.
selamat sore menurutmu bagaimana cara memberantas kemiskinan di indonesia mohon

I am really sorry that my question before bothered you, i just really miss your ff, like almost everyday i check your account to see if there something new, i am sorry that i told it in the wrong way, i do ask for your apologize, and ah happy weekend kak kent:)

no no. ya allah do i sound that ketus in my answer...
unlike people these days, i'm not that easily offended kok. will post a story when i think of one.

Good Evening, Kent! Can I ask you what software you use to compress large-sized PDF file to he sent over emails? I've been trying, and failing, to find a way to compress my portfolio for my job application emails for a while now. And Google doesn't seem to have a direct, straightforward answer.

smallpdf.com works wonder at compressing pdfs :3

kak kapan harus make proof kapan harus pake prove? butuh askfm ka kent yg jaman dulu nih :')

"Proof" itu kata benda sedangkan "prove" itu kata kerja.
Kalo bahasa Indonesia, "prove" itu membuktikan, sedangkan "proof" itu bukti.
"Prove your love to me!" -> "Buktikan cintamu padaku!"
"This is my proof of love to you." -> "Ini bukti cintaku padamu."

What do you think about 'grammar nazi' ? Aku kadang suka terganggu tapi kalo liat orang yang salah grammar suka gemes sendiri, kalo kalian gimana?

Kalo Kent yang dulu pasti balesnya, "Nggak usah sok grammar nazi kalo nulis tanda baca aja masih salah-salah."
Tapi karena Kent sekarang sudah baik hati dan tidak jahat, jadinya balesnya, "Ah enggak. Gue mana pernah nge-nazi-in grammar orang lain sih..."

Mau ga kalo diajak balikan sama mantan? posisinya kamu sedang single dan perasaan itu masih ada? seperti cinta dan rangga gituu mereka balikan lg hihi, thanks

Putus tuh pasti ada alasan.
Kalo diajak balikannya cuma 1 minggu setelah putus ya buat apa, toh orangnya juga masih sama fundamentally.
Kalo putusnya habis 5 tahun gitu di mana you both have grown and matured into two different people, then why not try again? This time avoiding the landmine you previously stepped. Maybe your happiness lies within them, maybe not. Only one way to find out.

Hey kent, bisa rekomen buku yg menarik untuk dibaca pemula ? Thanks

It really depends on what genre you're interested in.
If you're looking for fiction, I recommend going with Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children since the movie (directed by Tim Burton!) will be out soon.
If you like business books, I recommend The Personal MBA. The book has figuratively everything you need to know to start a business. One downside is that it's written like textbook so it might not be your cup of tea.


Language: English