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Kak Kent, gmn sih kiatnya nulis ff? Masih bingung nih caranya bikin kesan ff yang utuh, nggak kayak 'penggalan cerita' doang. :(

ainuzzhrh’s Profile PhotoSalma A.
I would argue that writing is an art, not a science.

With that said, kalo kamu tanya pertanyaan ke @steffiteo, @katharania, dan @mglouvre about how to write a decent FF, I'm sure you will get four different answers.

I believe I had this conversation with @steffiteo and she said that she would begin with a beautiful sentence in mind and then expand it outward.

I begin with this question in mind: what do I want the readers to feel after reading this ff? And if I have the answer to that, I continue by starting from the end (most of my FFs end in twist, see). And then work my way backward.

As a more general rule, due to its brevity, you should NOT take too much time describing shit. You don't even need to tell the reader your narrator's name or even gender. Just throw your readers in the midst of actions.

Hope this helps!

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Kaak, lebih enak & gampang nulis pakai sudut pandang orang pertama atau sudut pandang orang ketiga?

I think everyone has their own style.
For example, @katharania used to write exclusively in third person point of view.
I, on the other hand, exclusively write in first person point of view. (I actually refuse writing anything in third person point of view.)

For I and Kira, the case is pretty clear cut. Kira enjoys writing using beautiful description while I focus more on the speaker's feeling and emotion. Hence our different preference in the speaker's point of view.

I don't think there is a method yang "enak dan gampang" when it comes to writing; there is just a method that you prefer more.

For me, it just so happens that it is the first person point of view.

#writingprompt cinta dua hati

hefasalsabila’s Profile Photohefa salsabila
Ia menekuk satu lutut dan merogoh sakunya sebelum ia mengeluarkan kotak beludru biru sebesar kepalan tangan. Dengan satu sentakan jari tengahnya, ia memamerkan sebuah cincin dengan berlian sebesar kukuku. "Marry me?" tanyanya.

Aku merasakan bibirku mengembang. Setelah berpikir sejenak, aku mengatakan, “Yes!” yang membuatnya berdiri dan menepuk lututnya sebelum ia menyelipkan cincin kawin di jari manisku.

Lenganku melingkungi lehernya dan aku mencium keningnya. Perlahan bibirku turun ke pipinya dan akhirnya mendarat di bibirnya; kami berciuman entah berapa lama. Lidahnya yang menyapu bibirku nyaris membuatku lupa akan cincin berlian pemberian lelaki lain seminggu lalu yang sekarang bersarang di saku celana jinsku.

kak, kalo setelah "to" itu harus selalu verb1 atau bisa pake verb-ing? perbedaan meaningnya apa kak?

This is a very tricky subject yang baru bisa dijawab kalau kamu sudah mengerti basics of English.
You should know that sebuah kata kerja jika digabung dengan akhiran "-ing" pada umumnya menjadi sebuah kata benda (yang disebut dengan gerund).

"I like swimming."
"Swim" adalah kata kerja yang berarti renang, sedangkan "swimming" adalah kata benda yang artinya berenang.

Berangkat dari pengertian tersebut, PADA UMUMNYA "to" selalu diikuti dengan verb1.
Tapi ada beberapa frase yang diakhiri dengan "to" yang bisa disambung dengan kata benda.

"I look forward to this weekend!"
Frase "I look forward to" selalu diikuti dengan kata benda (dalam contoh ini, "this weekend")
Tapi karena kita bisa membuat sebuah kata kerja menjadi kata benda, kita bisa mengakhiri frase tersebut dengan verb-ing,
"I look forward to hearing from you!"
"Hearing from you" di kasus di atas adalah gerund (kata benda).

TL;DR: Setelah "to" bisa pake verb-ing, tapi ya gitu. Ribet. 99% of the time, "to" selalu dibuntuti dengan verb1.

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Hi! According to you, would it be more romantic if we're sitting side-by-side with our partner or sitting face-to-face? Thanks, have a good night! 😊

Face to face.
Tiap kali liat orang duduk sebelah-sebelahan di café/restoran bawaannya pingin ngangkat salah satu dari mereka dan didudukin di hadapan partner-nya.

I think it's only natural to sit in front and stare into your partner's eyes as they talk.

you ask for a serious question, okay. why do you think people are so desperate about finding love for themselves?

Because we stem from our ancestors who, obviously, found love for themselves.
Those who didn't find love for themselves, did not pass their gene forward.
Add to it the fact that we have been surrounded by couples ever since we were little and a little indoctrination regarding "happy" families and voilà you have a recipe for people who are desperate to find love.


Language: English