
kent sutjipto

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11, Kent!! Di introduce dulu dong, congrats lhoo! hahaha

HAHAHA NAD APA KABAR! Kabarin dong kalo main ke Jakarta <3

Anyway, 11. Your current relationship, if single, discuss how single life is.
My current relationship kan umurnya bahkan belum sampe dua hari yak, jadi ya pasti masih anget-angetnya, Nad.
But all in all, I feel incredibly lucky to have met her.

Ka Kent, mau minta sarannya dong.. kalo mau baca bukunya Haruki Murakami bisa dimulai dr buku yg mana ya? Terimakasih sebelumnya!

silmiginu’s Profile PhotoSilmi Gika
Hullo I tried reading 1q84 but it was very hard to finish because 1. pace is SUPER slow, and 2. tebelnya bisa buat gebok maling.

Anyway, I was told that if you're new to Murakami, you should start with Norwegian Wood. It's quite light and well-written and despite having a slow pace, the character's voice more than makes up for it.

So yah, I'd recommend Norwegian Wood.
Ka Kent mau minta sarannya dong kalo mau baca bukunya Haruki Murakami bisa

Ka kent katanya di jual ka maldi ya? kalo cuma cubit cubit unyu pipi ka kent tarifnya berapa kira-kira?

Satu buku hard copy (silakan pilih dari daftar di bawah ini) dibayar di muka:
1. Smartcuts - Shane Snow
2. The Art of Thinking Clearly - Rolf Dobelli
3. 1Q84 - Haruki Murakami
4. The Advertising Concept Book - Pete Barry
5. Seducing Strangers: How to Get People to Buy What You're Selling - Josh Weltman
6. Growth Hacker Marketing - Ryan Holiday

O R.

Get an unlimited life-time access to cubit-cubit unyu pipi gue for the low price of a PS4. (Langsung mupeng abis tau kalo FF7 bakalan dapet HD remake di PS4.)

what's your most played song? what makes it so special?

I've once shared about Toradora's OST: Lost My Pieces that I probably have repeated two thousand times in my whole life.

So let me share lagu yang lagi gue repeat over and over and over again these past few days.
Buat yang suka lagu-lagu Disney, please give it a listen.
So bagus.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tp5hgjD_Y5gnyankent’s Video 130710499464 tp5hgjD_Y5gnyankent’s Video 130710499464 tp5hgjD_Y5g

Menurut kalian pemberdayaan manusia yang seperti apa yang seharusnya lebih digali lagi di Indonesia. Seperti contoh, "pemberdayaan orang2 di kampung idiot ponorogo". Atau potensi apa yg dapat di gali di Indonesia dengan cara pemberdayaan. Terimakasih😊😊

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