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Ask @nyankent

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Do you play online games? If so, what's one of your most memorable online gaming moment?

I used to play TONS of online games. Let's see:
1. SEAL Online: Thanks to this game, I now fully comprehend the definition of "no life." I played this in Indonesia until I was level 100 and then went and played the international version and finally managed to get my warrior to level 183, craftsman to 110, clown to 121, and cleric to 153.
For reference, most of my friends only managed to train one level-150 character.

2. Eden Eternal/Aura Kingdom: Managed to reach max level (60) in a week. I remember I reached level 59 the night before I had my final exam. Terus karena berasa "ah nanggung, sekalian 60-in deh," I played the game for the whole night.
I reached level 60 at six in the morning, only having two hours left before final exam padahal belum belajar apa-apa.
I skim-read everything, went to campus, did the exam, and then went home (skipped the rest of my classes that day).

3. Diablo 3: I used to play Diablo 2, so when Diablo 3 finally came out, I locked my room and played it like crazy. NOT TO MENTION THAT BLIZZARD KELUARIN THIS THING EXACTLY A DAY AFTER MY GRADUATION.
I holed up in my room and, in the span of one month, only saw the Sun directly for like five times.
Bangun tidur, nyalain Skype, main Diablo 3 sama temen-temen, ke toilet, pesen delivery, makan sambil main, ambil minum, main sampe tidur. Rinse and repeat.
At the end of my Diablo-binging, I remember selling all my stuff for hundreds of dollars.
P.S. Diablo 3 released a new expansion pack last year (Reaper of Soul) and I relapsed, spending like five weekends in a row last year playing it. Fun.

4. DotA: Not exactly an MMORPG, but this game is my archnemesis. I've been playing DotA since I was in high school. I was pretty good at it; it came to the point that I was invited to join DotA tournaments. No matter how many MMOs I played, I always came back to DotA.

I am thankful that I have escaped the chasm of gaming now. I have deleted DotA from my PC and it's been five months since I last touched DotA. Hopefully this will keep up.

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actually i've been dying to read your detective novel. however if you want to finish the grammar one first, it's your choice and just know, i'll support your decision neverthelessly :)

you're too sweet.
it will probably take me no longer than one month to finish this English book and then i can concentrate in writing the novel.
at times i feel like giving up on writing and then a remark like yours comes along and it keeps me writing.
i sincerely thank you.

I'm all the way in for the detective novel, please!! Is it whodunit or howcatchem?

All in all there are 30 votes for detective and 16 for English grammar books, but I did some talk with @dezkyoka @nidyafebriani @dvlbrd dan @jerbat (terima kasih Jerbat atas masukan "follow your heart"-nya, sangat berguna), dan akhirnya memutuskan untuk ngebut menyelesaikan buku grammar bahasa Inggris dan langsung melanjutkan novel detektif.

Terima kasih banyak untuk semua yang nge-vote! Hopefully by end of this year dua-duanya sudah keluar ya! :)

P.S. As for the detective novel format, ditunggu aja ya. :D

Masih lama-kah proses terbit novel detektifnya ?


Gue tuh sekarang lagi nulis dua buku:
1. novel detektif (kira-kira baru ditulis sekitar 15%-an),
2. buku belajar grammar bahasa Inggris (kira-kira baru ditulis sekitar 25%-an)
voting dong gaes lebih pingin baca yang mana.
gue sih prefer nulis novel detektif tapi kayaknya kok lebih banyak yang minat sama buku belajar bahasa Inggris.

kak kent please kasih aku rekomendasi tempat buat nulis yang asik di daerah jakarta barat sekitarnya, aku gadapet feel nih daritd dikamar

Since I used to live in Taman Anggrek, I wrote around 20-30% of my first novel in Taman Anggrek's Calais. I could have written it at home, but I guess the fact that I spent money on bubble tea forced me to write otherwise I'd be wasting money.

Other than Calais, you can try Kungfu Tea (the one in front of SMUKI?). They have snack and bubble tea (SAY YES TO BUBBLE TEA) and the place is comfy. (If you need a quiet place, just go to the second floor.)

But since I now live in Puri and there's no good coffee/tea shop around, I just write in my own room, accompanied with mineral water. (I miss bubble tea.)

Do you identify yourself as an introvert or an extrovert?

It highly depends.
At times I'd drive an hour just to meet up with my friends and laugh until my throat sores,
other times I would fake illness just to get out of a dinner appointment because I feel like cuddling with my book and blanket.

Sometimes it gets to the point that people think I'm anti-social.
Nope, nope, nope. I'm just selectively social.
If I seem anti-social to you, chances are I find you utterly dull.

Kak, saya berusaha nonton Hannibal Season 1 Episode 1-3 sudah pening. Apa iya saya harus tambah kapasitas otak buat mengimbangi ceritanya?

benar dik beth.
memang Hannibal conversation-nya super berat
kalo nonton tv series laen biasanya aku selow, sambil ngobrol-ngobrol sama orang lain juga gapapa.
kalo hannibal harus konsentrasi penuh.


Language: English