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butterfly #writingchallenge

jiemasnerissa’s Profile PhotoNerissa Arviana
"Hi," she said as she put several strands of her hair behind her right ear. "I'm Alyssa. And you?"

Recalling your own name was supposed to be a simple task--as simple as one two three--but she was pretty and she was gorgeous and she smelled so good and god her teeth were so perfect and her eyes were just the right shape and I forgot what I wanted to say and it took me seconds to recall what my name was and said it to her.

She chuckled, her eyes the shape of crescent moon.

If there was ever a chance to use the phrase "butterflies in my stomach," I'm sure that was the perfect chance to use that phrase, but no. Fuck butterflies, I felt the entire zoo inside my stomach when I saw her.

imaginary lover

liaancilla’s Profile PhotoC
I love him.
I have lost count how many times I have seen him: in the morning, in the afternoon, and right before I sleep--all without feeling anything.
This morning, when I wake up, I pay more attention to his face: his obtuse jawline, his light-gray eyes, and his thick brown hair. It is then that I know for sure that I love him.
I try touching the surface of his face, but I'm faced with coldness.
I throw him a smile, to which he immediately responds with his own smile.
It must be a sin to be born this pretty.

Shadow #writingchallenge

Aku duduk sendiri di dalam kamarku yang diterangi hanya oleh satu bohlam lampu; satu-satunya bayangan tubuhku jatuh di tengah ruangan.
Dengan cincin di ujung jemariku yang kuletakkan di atas papan berhamparkan abjad, aku mulai berbisik, "Jelangkung, Jelangkung, di sini ada pesta, pesta kecil-kecilan, datang tidak diundang, pergi tidak diantar."
Seketika itu juga papanku berguncang keras dan aku menyadari bahwa bayanganku tak lagi sendirian.

Ko, jawab in dong http://www.therakyatpost.com/world/2015/04/13/even-adults-are-stumped-by-primary-5-maths-question/

Logic question, yasss!

Okay so here goes.
Albert only knows Cheryl's birth month, while Bernard only knows Cherly's birth date.

1st clue: Albert doesn't know when is Cheryl's birthday, but he is sure that Bernard doesn't, either.

2nd clue: Bernard initially didn't know, but after hearing 1st clue, now he knows.

3rd clue: Albert knows too after hearing 2nd clue.

We have 10 possible dates:
(May) 15, 16, 19
(June) 17, 18
(July) 14, 16
(August) 14, 15, 17

You'll realize that there are dates in May and June that DO NOT appear in July and August (namely 19 May and 18 June). The first clue implies that Bernard DEFINITELY doesn't know the answer, so we can eliminate May and June (karena kalo Albert dikasih tau Cheryl bahwa bulannya itu May/June, Albert nggak akan YAKIN bahwa Bernard nggak tau).

That leaves us with (July) 14, 16 and (August) 14, 15, 17.

Remember that Bernard knew her birth date. 2nd clue implies Bernard langsung tau jawabannya, jadi duplicate date (tanggal 14) bisa dieliminasi, leaving us with (July) 16 and (August) 15, 17.

Albert tau bulannya dan sekarang ia tau Cheryl's birthdate. Karena Agustus masih ada dua tanggal, maka satu-satunya pilihan yang tersisa adalah July 16.

Cheryl's birthday is July 16.
That was fun!

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Ko jawab in dong

salam kenal kak :) aku mahasiswi STAN. mau nanya dong kak. kak kent ke STAN Tangerang tanggal 18 April akhir minggu ini dalam rangka apa ya kak? acaranya jam berapa kak? makasih sebelumnya :)

irmariaseptiani’s Profile PhotoIrmaria Septiani
Dalam rangka STAN Techno Week!
Gue di sana bakalan berbicara mengenai social media; acaranya sih dari pukul 1920 sampai 2230, tapi gue cuma bakalan bicara dari pukul 2055 sampai 2155.
I'll see you there!

29 kaa

mafiraMAP’s Profile PhotoMafira Ade P
29. Five weird things that you like.

1. When I'm thinking, I unconsciously bite my skin so hard and so much that it leaves a patch of hardened skin on my left pointer finger.

2. I like doing math problems! This one time, my friend asked me for help with her math homework and I was actually excited because I missed doing math. Yaaaa call me nerd.

3. While most people think Nyan Cat is annoying, I actually am quite fond to it. When I was in the States, my iPod had 10 different versions of Nyan Cat (piano, metal, jazz, a capella, etc) that my friends always (always!) refused to plug my iPod into their car aux.

4. I like obsessive binge-listening to a song. I don't have a music player software on my PC. I just go to Youtube, choose a song, and repeat the shit out of it. (My record was John Mayer's Slow Dancing in a Burning Room, which I repeated for ~700 times in a week.)

5. While I dislike heat in general (e.g. sun, hot soup, etc), I actually really like sweltering hot shower. If the heat doesn't hurt, it's not hot enough. Right after I shower, the bathroom generally turns into a sauna.

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buat gamenya: @devlinputra kak!

Ini banyak banget yang minta Devlin.

What I think about @devlinputra:
Salah satu temen ask.fm yang kenal sebelum jaman ask.fm.
Gue dulu tuh kenalnya awalnya sama temennya Devlin, terus gue tanya dia, "Ada kenalan designer yang jago design nggak? Ada beberapa kerjaan design nih." Alhasil gue dikenalin ke Devlin.
Terus gue main ask.fm, dan entah kenapa akhirnya gue ngajak Devlin buat ask.fm juga, akhirnya dia main dan sekarang terlahirlah akun legendaris @devlinputra yang menghibur kita dengan Tomi dan Lili.

Devlin anaknya sabar. Beliau yang men-design Sarcastee batch pertama dan akan seterusnya mendesign batch-batch Sarcastee berikutnya. Setelah men-design Sarcastee, Devlin jugalah yang men-design cover novel pertama gue. Dan, meskipun ini nggak perlu gue tekankan lagi, Devlin itu lucu, mau IRL atau pun URL.

Karena sama-sama otaknya agak money-oriented, sering banget mikirin kerjaan apa yang bisa dilakukan buat hasilin duit. Ya. Gitu deh.

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