
Timothy Eggert

Ask @dangertim

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How many teeth do you have?

It would be weird to go count them, but I have all of my adult teeth including four wisdom teeth which should probably be pulled.

Name three things you have never done, but would like to do?

1. Voice acting for animation
2. Be a much better cook
3. Actually take a real vacation

What is your attitude to human cloning?

Even though I joked in a post about cloning myself just a few days ago, the possibility seems seriously unethical. I can't think of a single good reason to do it, unless there were some way to transfer consciousness from yourself to an otherwise vacant clone upon your death. Even then it's probably a terrible idea, considering the how the global population is rapidly growing beyond our planet's resources to support everyone.
Now, if there's a way to clone healthy organs for those awaiting transplants, I think that possibility would absolutely be worth investigating.

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What was your favorite subject in school?

I was all about any theater classes, especially acting. I got to add courses and experience in Media Production (RTF) once in college.
I also enjoyed science, especially astronomy. Oddly, I appreciate history more now than I did when in school.

What do you wish you'd had time to do this summer?

I'm sad that once again, I did not find a way to clone myself so I could pursue a full-time acting career without quitting my office job.
Of course, having a clone comes with it's own problems. I'm sure at least initially we'd agree to take turns at the office, but even so we'd still have to find a significant increase in income because we'd have twice the expenses of a normal person. Plus, I'm sure at some point, one or both of us would be jealous of the fun experiences the other is having. We'd just resent each other, and possibly even work toward each other's failure. If you really think about it, having a clone is not a great solution unless one of them just agrees to be a slave, or somehow wants all the negative experiences or work the other doesn't want.
And that's just absurd.

What is one thing that happened in your life that without it happening, you would never be where you are today?

My wife encouraged me to audition for THE ODD COUPLE.

If you could witness any event of the past, present, or future, what would it be?

The future: affordable civilian interstellar travel.

Justin Bieber - #1Day - What Do You Mean? Post your pic or video!

Can't it just be Kate McKinnon Day instead?
Justin Bieber  1Day  What Do You Mean Post your pic or video

Do you play any instruments?

With apologies to John Williams, I can play da-Da-duh-do-Dum from CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND on piano.

If you could eliminate any word from the dictionary, meaning no one can ever use it again, what word would you choose?

Your safe word.

What's your favorite saying?

It's either "Angels and ministers of grace, defend us!" from Hamlet (and Star Trek IV), or "That's a good problem to have." I say both of those things often.

Do you pick and choose your friends?

Most of my friends are people I've worked with as an actor, but yes - I choose which ones I make an effort to stay in touch with once the project is over.

Have you ever broken any bones? If so, how many and which ones?

I broke my leg ice skating when I was very young. I don't remember anything about it other than the cast being super itchy, so I was probably too young to be out on the ice. My mom has a horrifying story about being locked out of the doctor's office listening to me scream as the cast was being removed. I have scar on the top of my right foot from the incident.
Good times.

Would you consider yourself good at giving advice?

I would consider myself better at listening, supporting, pointing out alternatives, and being devil's advocate than recommending good courses of action.

In which city you would like to live?

I'm pretty okay where I am, but could be talked into moving to Austin or London.

Funniest "Laugh Out Loud" moment you've encountered today?

This one. Did you have to spell out LOL to the one user who didn't know what it meant?

What's your favorite pizza topping?

Pizzas are sacred and mine come overloaded. I've been known to doctor up supermarket supreme pizzas by adding 3 times the normal amount of pepperoni to them. Spinach is a common added topping, as are sometimes avocado or sriracha.
Plus, pizza's pretty much the only way I'll eat cheese.
Yeah, I'm a freak.

Would you want to be internet famous?

I not even sure what that means. Am I already "internet famous"? How will I know when that's happened? Is there a metric as far as followers on Twitter or likes on Facebook? Do I have to be Harry Knowles? Is there a club with secret handshakes?
There's a game I play when I'm getting to know other actors, and that's to complete this sentence: "I know I've made it when ___________."
I think you'll find most of us just want to be involved in projects that are meaningful to us, entertaining to you, and if we're extremely lucky - allow us to quit worrying about money for a while. If being "internet famous" gets me more of that work, I'm all for it.


Language: English