
Alissa Acosta

Ask @AlissaAcosta

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Miss, this isn't a yes or no question but I'm right still.

What if you're wrong and just didn't know you were wrong.. 0_o that you thought you were right, but your brain has been malfunctioning so you never know what is right and what is wrong?? o_0

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Maybe just maybe I twas there.

I don't think you should have said "twas..." cause 'twas is basically a contraction with "it" and "was".
Sorry, my inner grammar nazi kicked in.
And ooouuu, awesooome, well who ish youu. :3


It was amazing x) I had an awesome time at our band banquet :3
I danced my butt off ;3

frown, you're beautiful :)

I'm good at frowning :)
I mean :(
But thank you ^~^ You're so sweet.
Now I'm feeling better.

What makes you really mad?

A lot of things.
Especially when people act freaking stupid and idiotic to a point where I will actually punch them in the face. Not kidding.

whos your new best friend ^^?

Who ish you and maybeh I'll tell you ;3 hahaha
but he's a cool, beast, awesome, adorable, weird, funny dude. oh, and A LOT like me xD
Liked by: Ocean Akaka

What is something you have lost, that you wish you could get back?

Many things.
But the most recent was my "new bestfriend" get me to speak in pigeon. It took him about half an hour to do it xD
I hope he knows how special he is to get me to do that.
Liked by: Ocean Akaka

What’s the most scared you’ve ever been?

Hm. I get scared very easily and often. so if I explained, it would turn out to be an essay. but.. well today I climbed a fence for the first time in a long time successfully and didn't get a huge scratch going up from my thigh to my ass cheek like I did last time xD

I feel like we have an exothermic bond together, because I got my ion you, and you got your ion me #nerdycheesypickupline xD

Niiiiice oone xD
Are you on Nickelodeon?? Cause you're a-Dora-ble xD
Liked by: Ocean Akaka


Language: English