
Alissa Acosta

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Do you follow your brain or your heart?

Both mann. Although you can't control your heart; you can't control its feelings and what YOU want to feel. Yet you can control your brain. But the most difficult thing is knowing that what your heart wants to do, is wrong, therefore have to go against it.
Sometimes it's alright to just go with the heart because I'd rather risk it than regret not doing it most of the time. But there are other times where it can't be like that and it kinda hurts when you have to stop yourself from doing what you really want because you know it'll just turn out bad.

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What future invention are you impatiently waiting for?

A remote to mute people from your hearing and all that other jazz you can do with a remote.

why don't you talk to me... it feels like your ignoring me

you're* and uhh, idk? i don't even know who you are.

What types of weather do you enjoy and why?

I like rainy weather because it gets cold and dreary. But I also like it when it's sunny out where it's cool and breezy because those are days where it's just good to chill at an open park, lay down, and watch the sky and what not.

Ouch that has kinda harsh with the "get outta here" just wanted to know something.

Good, let it be harsh

The beggining of 10th grade I saw you and I instantly liked you. I dont know it just kinda happened but I don't have the guts to talk to you but I still see you around and say hi once in a while.

Ohh cool. Well, if you instantly liked me and didn't know or barely knew anything about me, is something that I don't really fancy people doing. Reason being, you don't know me and how "me" is. If it's a small crush then I understand. Sorry for like giving a lecture, lol, I always over-explain. But that's pretty cool that you told me. Got me being curious now.
Liked by: jocelyn leaf Reina

You use your tongue to whistle.

Well yeah, I know that but like, idk man, I just can't. sometimes I can, but that's rare.

Do you decide quickly or do you think a long time?

i can't really answer that in a general way. but i can say that it just depends.

You ever got a Bare bottom spanking? (as a punishment, NOT in sexual way) Stings like hell!

nah dude, not any that I remember of. although I did get hit with a broom stick for putting soap on the bathtub floor and kept slipping my feet on it for fun.

Which is worse: spanking or getting soap in your mouth?

if you're talking about punishments, I don't really know about the soap thing cause I never had that as a punishment. so I don't think I can really answer your question fairly.

what was your longest relationship?

a year and something months. it was special though because we never had a specific date. it just.... happened, y'know?

Do you like to spend your free time alone or in company?

Depends how I feel, lol, cause sometimes I just want to be lazy in bed or play some games, or go out with friends or have them come over or something.


Language: English