
Alissa Acosta

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How fast do you fall in love?

Depends on the person.
I've only fell in love once.
But that person gave me meaning to love him.

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What do you want right now?

I want this girl back.
I miss how happy she was.
Most of all, I miss that smile of hers.
I've come to notice that her smile now, isn't the real one.

What do you like to do on a rainy day?

Lay in bed,
cuddle under my blanket,
be sad.
Oh wait, that's everyday.

How do you know when you're in love?

When you get that special feeling inside when you hear or see their name, or hear their voice, or see their face, or when you think someone said their name, but they actually didn't.
There are many things.
Love is very powerful, believe it or not.
It can make a person the happiest they've ever been,
and it can make a person the most broken they've ever been.

What do you do when you have insomnia?

Reminisce about my life,
listen to music,
go on YouTube and watch some PvP,
and you know, the usual.

What’s the most scared you’ve ever been?

there are many times I've been scared.
So, I really don't know.
I'm sorry.

What would you do today if there is no more tomorrow?

Make people happy.
Let them know that they ARE wanted.
I wouldn't leave their side until I knew they were okay.

What time do you usually go to sleep?

I don't really like sleeping. I thought it makes me forget everything for a while. Now it just reminds me of it.

What is the last thing you said to someone?

"Well okie dokie.
Nighty night and sweet dreams. Thanks for talking to me. Some people just kinda stopped talking to me that's why."

What do you usually forget?

I usually forget that there are people who actually care about me.
Thanks to one person, he told me that he cared for me a few minutes ago.
It felt nice to know that at least someone is here for me.

What talent do you wish you'd been born with?

To be able to move on easily.
To not be clingy.
To be able to forget about things I want to forget.


Language: English